"i don't care how much he looks at you, how he says he loves you i love you, and you can't stop the feeling you get everytime i look into your eyes".
"come over"
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Chapter 1 - Act one The melodies of life.
it was half 6 when the blaring sound of my alarm smashed into my ears, a slight groan came out of me i could hear running coming from up and down the corridor , then my door smashed wide open it was niki.
"We need to get going to the cafe, we have five minutes" She ran out of my room wrapping her apron round her, i knew minx was awake when i heard her aggressive yelling at niki, i realised i was going to be late if i didn't get out of bed so i quickly shoved my hair into a bun and my hair being curly from having a shower the night before gave me that lovely frizzy scruff look, realising there wasn't enough time to waste attempting to put my contacts in i quickly chucked my glasses on, when i got downstairs i quickly shoved on my high top converse most basic shoes but i work in a cafe what's more possibly basic than that ? We all caught the bus to work and started our day which we didn't know was going to be extremely hectic.
"One pink milkshake y/n" minx yelled over
"Yep coming" i walked to minx as usually she'd go drop the order off at the table , "could you take it for me i have to make a frappuccino with a bunch of really weird ingredients" she said. i shrugged it off walking to the table "your total will be 4:45 please" i looked up finally seeing him.
his green bandana masking his eyes and his hoodie over his head smiling at me, "dream?" i said in shock putting his drink down and giving him a hug. "i've missed you so much" he spoke to me while gripping onto my back.
"What are you doing here you live all the way across state" i spoke in pure shock, "well i moved down st bergansville and saw niki you and minx on the way to the cafe, then near enough stalked you , im guessing we live close ?" he asked.
"Yes! Yes we do please wait 20 minutes I promise you i'll be off my shift soon" i said running into the back.
Twenty minutes passed extremely slow but as soon as it did i rushed off with Dream, instead of getting the bus we walked and talked about everything we missed since college, unlike everyone else his parents were very strict on him for no reason, so sadly we did lose a lot of contact but still spoke frequently, he stood at the front door wondering if he could come in i gave him a curtsie "come in please fellow sir" i spoke in a fancy tone.
"well thank you madam" he spoke while bowing back. we giggled and sat on the couch,
me and dream played cod slowly Minx And Niki joined watching us, continuous laughing is all you could hear as we played and Dream kept pulling me about so i'd lose making the game even better for the two girls watching
Post by Minxdidurdad:
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Minxdidurdad- lmao he beating her ass call 4 help she dying out here
nikiiscool - awh this is so cute they should get married !
dreamwastaken- i did beat her ass btw :).
little did the group know that y/n phone had been blowing up because the group was having so much fun.
y/n? you're not still at work are u
r u dead lol
ok i'm being serious where are u ????
if u don't answe in the next 20 mins me and Sap are gonna come round okay??
right that's it now on my way.
The two boys made there way to the front door sticking there head through the windows seeing there were people there but that didn't explain why y/n didn't answer them.
"lets go in" george said boldly
"we can't just do that" sapnap replied with his hands on his hips. "just imagine something had happened to her and this is how we find out Sap, we are doing this to keep her safe and if somethings happened we will be who saved her" George said to sap Sap spun in a circle for a second and groaned and they both quietly opened the door wiping there feet and walking through. they heard muffled yells as they got to the living room door they saw someone they thought they wouldn't see again with the girl they loved over his shoulder. spinning her around while she and all her friends giggled.
"WHAT THE FUCK HOWD YOU GET IN HERE?" minx screamed. everyone turned around to look at the two men who were flushed stood at the door.