Sometimes before the rain fell Lily felt could feel it in her scars. They stung slightly, especially the one above her collar bone. It was slightly pink against the rest of her porcelean skin and was bumpy ridge that stuck out like a sore thumb. She didn't even try to hide it anymore, after struggling for years to cover it with her clothes, scarves and makeup she let it show plainly, big, ugly and pink.
Suddenly the rain poured down on the land fiercely and relentlessly. Lily smiled and didn't even make a move to avoid the rain droplets. Slowly and carefully she walked the rest of the way home, watching people running to get out of the weather and hiding under big umbrellas. The rain felt cool on her skin and she could sense her makeup smearing and running down her face but she didn't care, for once she just didn't care.
Lily looked about the seemlingly empty house, she heard nothing, not even the tick of a clock. This didn't fool her though, she knew she wasn't alone and didn't even bother to check the threadbare couch because she knew who would be laying there. She shooke her head in a disgusted matter and went to her room, locking the door behind her. Naturally, Damian was already making his way through her yard, up to her window. He always came after school usually to do homework or to listen to music. Her and Damian fought constantly, but for some reason he had always been her bestfriend, since the day the met in freshman year. Lily remembered her ruined makeup and rushed to her bedside for a makeup remover wipe. When they first met Damian was awkward and fowl-like. He was skinny and his movements werer clumsy like he had not gotten used to his body yet. His hair was short and he was covered in pimples and his pants were always too short for him. He had grown so much now, his hair long and a deep brown, his body had grown more muscular and his skin was much more clear. A knock from the window caught Lily's attention and her instantly gesured for him to come inside. He climbed inside with a grace he had obtained at some point but now she couldn't pin point when he had become so...perfect. How Damian was always supposed to be.
"Jesus, Lily, how long were you out in the rain?" He said as soon as he caught a glimpse of her.
Lily smiled, "Oh I took my sweet time."
Damian had changed so much yet she hadn't changed much at all, she was still short, shy and pale, with dyed hair. The only thing that was different is she pierced her own septum last summer. Lily shook her head like a wet dog and Damian yelped as he was pelted with even more water. She caught Damian's eye and maybe it was time for a change.

Teen FictionLily is just a normal girl with a seemingly normal life. But this could never be farther from the truth, boys, abuse, self harm, bands, fights, and many secrets lace her day to day life.