Chapter 6

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I blink my heavy eyes open to the bright sunshine and the sound of Jade banging around in the kitchen.

I grab the alarm clock from her nightstand, checking the time. Ten thirty.

We didn't get to sleep until late. Or early.

Jade had a lot of anger to let out, and I was more than willing to be her companion in her endeavor.

She was really angry last night though.

But hot. God, was she hot.

I giggle at the thought of what we did in the taxi. And in the elevator. And in her bed.

The stamina she's inspiring.

I stretch out my aching limbs. My muscles are deliciously sore from all the sex with Jade.

Then, my bladder tells me that it's time to get up. I kick the covers back and head to the bathroom.

When I'm done in the bathroom, I pick up Jade's shirt from last night off the floor and put it on. I'm sans panties, considering she wrecked them last night. I don't actually know what happened to my panties. I have visions of them still on the floor of the elevator, riding up and down all night.

I walk into the kitchen. Jade is at the stove, wearing only boxer shorts and a sports bra, and I get the distinct whiff of bacon frying. It makes my tummy rumble.

"Hey," I say, padding into the kitchen toward her.

"Morning." She smiles at me from over her shoulder.

I reach her, putting my hand on her warm back, sliding my other one around her waist. She leans her mouth down to mine, softly kissing me.

"You should have a shirt on." I pat her stomach, nodding at the frying bacon.

"I'm hard-core, Pez." She grins. "You hungry? I made eggs and bacon."

"I'm starving," I tell her.

"Take a seat." She nods at the breakfast bar, which is set up with plates and cups and a kettle of tea.

I sit down and pour us each tea while Jade serves up the eggs and bacon. She sits down opposite me and picks her tea cup.

In the light of day, I notice a roof terrace through the full-glass panel in the kitchen. "You have a roof terrace?"

"Yeah. We can sit out there to eat if you want? It's a warm day."

"Heights are not my friend. I'm happy to just sit here, from the safety of being inside, and admire the view."

Jade chuckles and puts some bacon in her mouth. "What are your plans for today?" she asks me as she chews her bacon.

"I'm not sure. I'm not really a planner. I'm more a fly-by-my-pants kind of girl."

I put some scrambled eggs in my mouth. It tastes amazing. Jade can really cook.

"Good because I've got something arranged for you for this afternoon. If that's okay?"

"Depends on what it is. You're not going to make me strip naked and walk around London, are you?"

"No." She laughs.

Smiling, I eat some bacon. "So, what are you taking me to do?"

"It's a surprise."

"Okay," I say, dubious. "But I've gotta say, I'm not a fan of surprises—you know, in case I don't like it."

She smiles. "You'll like it. I promise."

We eat the rest of our breakfast in amiable silence. When I've finished, I get up and take away my plate, and then I come back for Jade's.

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