44) Meanwhile

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Fury paced the cell, trying to think of who would be able to get him out and how he had given Rumlow the opportunity to get the best of him and take Riley. Riley could usually handle herself but she had seemed more fatigued and sluggish than normal. He needed to get to the bottom of it and soon. He knew she was usually strong and independent but something else seemed to be at play. He thought of every step he needed to take, starting with getting out of the cell. He thought about asking Bruce to run some tests on her latest blood sample they had drawn and seeing if anything was off. He would run it against whatever they could get from her after she was safe with them again. Tony and Loki would have to work together to use their skill sets and track her. Steve and Bucky would probably start training and coming up with battle plans for every type of scenario. Nat and Clint would help them while Thor would probably head back to Asgard to see if she could be tracked from there. Wanda would go to Wakanda and see if she and Shuri could come up with something. Sam would be with Sharon at Shield with himself and Maria. Dr. Strange would look through his own magic and see if there was any clues as to when they would be able to grab her and if there was a way to prepare for any injuries she may have sustained. 

With all of this in mind, the three people he hadn't planned on, showed up at his cell door. Logan and Wade made quick work of the cell door while Jack hacked the security feed and attempted to track the movements of his niece and the soon-to-be dead man holding her hostage. Once he tracked them to the helicopter he called up Tony and Shuri. Peter was in the lab with Tony and decided to stay and help when he heard the emergency. The two began tracking the chopper all the way to a small clearing in the middle of nowhere. They couldn't see anything nearby that would be livable and decided to send Loki, Wanda, Nat, and Steve to the area to see if there was anything there. They couldn't sense or see anything and had to come back. Feeling slightly more defeated than normal, they were surprised when a man and a woman showed up at their front door. 

"Hey, we know each other because of a few mutual friends but one that I actually met in jail said that we should come out here and see if any of you needed any help. Specifically to ask for a Riley, Riley Swanson?"

When everyone turned a weapon to the pair, the man raised his hands quickly. "Did we get played? Man, I knew better than to trust a jail buddy. Although, technically Riley was a jail buddy too. Maybe just don't trust all jail buddies, yeah, that's it."

The woman rolled her eyes and glared at the man. "Really Scott, you think of that now? I have been telling you that for the last hour of our drive."

She raised her hand briefly in a sensible wave. "I'm Hope and this dummy is my soulmate Scott. We are Ant-Man and the Wasp. If you need help, we got your address from an Eddie Brock."

All of them narrowed their eyes and lowered their weapons, a few remaining in defensive positions in case it was a trick.

Scott lowered his hands and took a small breath to calm some of his nerves. Fury walked into the room from a different elevator, having had Friday fill him in. "Any word from Mr. Brock in regards to him helping us?"

"He is a bit held up at the moment but if he finds some free time, I know he will be here." Scott nodded along with Hope. 

Wade and Jack went straight to the lab to assist Stark as Logan went to find the super soldiers and help them plan for any type of Hydra scenario. He also called Lucifer to get his input regarding his brother, who had apparently left dinner abruptly half an hour ago. 

All night, everyone took turns resting and looking into any leads they found because they all needed to be ready to go save her, the moment anything came to light. Wade and Logan stayed up the entire time with Nat, Clint, Steve and Bucky. Loki and Tony pushed to stay up but their other mates reminded them that they were not helpful if they were sleep deprived. Nat and Clint reminded them that they were trained assassins who needed very little sleep to function. Steve and Bucky both simply said super soldiers. Wade and Logan looked at the other one, shrugged and said mutant as if it was an answer all on its own. By the next morning, everyone was on edge. There weren't any new leads and the trail was growing colder. Nobody wanted to say it but they were all scared that she may have already been handed over and they wouldn't see her again. 

The Avengers and friends looked at the same screens, called the same contacts, and harassed the shield brass every couple of hours, hoping beyond all reason that there was something someone else found that they had missed. It was becoming difficult though. Maria and Sharon reached out to their contacts while Sam started making calls to those in the military hoping somebody saw something out of the ordinary. Before long, everyone got quiet and fell into a silent funk. 

"I know she is still alive but I can't feel her. She put her wall back up."

"I know Steve, she is doing it so that we don't feel whatever happens to her. They better pray she is okay when we do find her. I am not afraid to become someone's worst nightmare."

"Me either Bucky. I will gladly ensure a few of them meet their ancestors before they age another year."

"Loki, you are beginning to sound more Asgardian again. Are you okay?"

Loki looked at Tony before shaking his head no. None of them were okay. How could she still be gone? How long until they found her? 

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