You laugh as you throw a snowball, dogging two more as Arthur gets hit hard going down
"C'mon! I'll take you all on!" You say smiling as you hit Jamie with it, he's laughing loudly as he blocks with his sled
Caleb and Arthur team up as you quickly try not to trip, jack watched you all before saying down
Making some under your feet as you fall on the fresh ice "c'mon! Who needs ammo! Here I'll help you kids take out the older ones"
You all laugh as you get up, hitting everyone with the new snowballs as Arthur gets a big one, dropping it on Jamie's head
"Hey no fair don't team up!" You yell getting hit twice by the twins, Jamie's other friends all hitting you again as you fall, landing on the snow man
You here snow hit someone in front of you as everyone goes quiet
"Dang I hit cupcake!" The red hair girl says as everyone gasp, the twins wincing as the girl looks at them growling
"She hit cupcake!"
"You hit cupcake" Arthur and Caleb say as the older one gulps, seeing the girl look down angrily at you
"O-oh" you say quickly scooting away form her, before she gets hit in the face with one more
You gasp at this as the kids look around trying to see who threw it, you look around as well before heading the girl start to giggle
You all run laughing front he gurl as she carries her snowman head, trying to hit all of you, Arthur trips and falls at the snow before you all stop at the hill
"Hey watch you its-" the older teen doesn't get to finish as Jamie slips down the hill, going down his sled as you all gasp
You get caught in the sudden ice to before tripping down trying to get Jamie in your hands
"Jamie! Hey!" You yell before falling into snow, he gasp before continuing to slide down
Everyone watches worried as Arthur helps you out fo the snow "He's going into the street!"
Jamie yells as he gets thrown into the street, sliding down the road as cars honk at him, jack flying next to the kid as he creates ice under him
"Hey c'mon! Keep up with me!" The spirit says as he slides him down the street and sidewalks
People yelling at the kid as they watch him, jack flys him up a dirt hill before gasping
The kid laughs as he goes up in the air, you all catched up to him as the kids watch in amazement
"Jamie!" You scream out looking at the poor boy, he doesn't pay attention as he hits the statue
You all wince as you put your hands to your mouth
He gets up though, looking for all of you as he laughs "did you guys see that! I jumps then went under a-"
Before the boy can finish he gets hit by a sofa, all the kids wince at it as you are Arthur quickly get the boy
Your way to concern for him to even see his friends gather up next to you, Jamie doesn't say anything though as he holds up a tooth
"Cool a tooth!" He says getting up as you sigh in relief, Arthur rubs the kids head before standing up
"Tooth fairy cash! Looks like this day got more exciting!" The jolly boy says laughing as you all walk away
You can't help but look around though, seeing the ice around the statue and where Jamie was, I wonder what caused that to happen??

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Fanfictionwhen the world started there was nothing but darkness, despair and fear ruled the world... until there where guardians, they where the true meaning of hope, love, passion, and dreams they spread joy into the world and fear was over but not forgotten...