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As soon as I hear him shut the door I flop onto his bed. Not going to lie, it was actually pretty comfortable. I sat there for a few minutes before planning on a way to escape and warn the other elves.

I then see a window leading to the forest. I think on whether I should or shouldn't. Screw it. I don't care. As long as I can get out.

I go over to the window and to my surprise, it was unlocked. I slowly open it and I step out onto the roof. It wasn't that high. But suddenly, I slipped.

I hit the ground hard. I landed on my side, causing my arm to take most of the damage. I sit up and rub my arm. It was hurting like hell.

I hear footsteps behind me. It was Bill. Shit. "What the fuck are you doing?!" He shouts. "I-uh, I was looking out the window and I um fell." I wasn't good at lying.

"Liar." He says. "Fine. I was trying to escape." I admit. He shakes his head. "I told you not to. But it's seems you already have learned you lesson," he points to my arm. "So you won't be punished this time." He picks me up bridal style and carries back to his room, wrapping my arm so it can heal.

"Thanks I guess." I mumble. "You're welcome, now stay there. I have things to do." He says, walking out.

I lay on the bed, bored out of my mind. I lay for what feels like hours. Finally, Bill comes in. "Finally. Took you long enough." I say. He just smirks. "Aw, did the elf miss me?" He also in a baby voice. "No, I'm just bored out of my fucking mind." I reply.

"Not my problem, PineTree." He says. "PineTree?" I ask. He points to the tattoo on my shoulder. "It's a pine tree. So that's your nickname." He says. I roll my eyes. "Whatever." I grumble.

"Move over, I'm tired." Bill says. "But what is I don't want to?" I say as I stretch my limbs all over the bed. "You have too." Bill says. I ignore him.

He scoops me up and throws me into a chair. He then lays down on his bed. "Hey! I was comfortable!" I shout. He looks at me and smirks. "You can come lay with me i-" I cut him off. "Nope! Nope nope nope nope NOPE!" I exclaim.

To end a War... (billdip) Where stories live. Discover now