Update and later on 3rd of Jam

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Ellie and Sarah then we're checked on by Dr Anderson and Dr Alexander and they asked how both felt today

Sarah said she was in a tad bit of pain and Ellie said she was feeling marginally better but would stay here during the stay Sarah had to stay

Then the two doctors told them that there results of both tests (the test and the blood test) had come back negative

And they sighed in relief at that and asked if anyone they knew got positive, the two doctors assured them  that James and Hannah came back negative as did Sam, Penny's and Jones's

This calmed Sarah somewhat knowing her brother and her aunt and uncle as well as her cousin was okay and not infected with this disease and she was grateful Jones didn't have the mystery illness as she knew it would take Jones down quite a bit

Also, Sarah wouldn't like to see Jones so badly unwell, Sarah knew that unlike her Jones hated being locked up in a room with a illness as even the cold force her to have bed rest for a day or two

They were somewhat worried about her Sarah's trauma level would be after all of this so Ellie offered to be Sarah's therapist and the two doctors agreed

They went to get the paperwork and Ellie asked Sarah what she was thinking and Sarah replied saying "Just thinking on how Jones would be if she was infected with this disease"

"Sarah, Jones is probably thinking the same as you" Ellie assured her "You two love each other"

"Me does, she to call sense I'm in pain and I can sense she's in pain" Sarah supplied

"And that's what we call a bond" Ellie said

They came back with the paperwork which Ellie signed and they left them be and said they'd check in on both parties on the 4th of January (which was only in a few hours anyway) to see how bad there pain was and to see if they were ready to go home yet

They left and Sarah decided to have a nap and Ellie smiled as she watched something on her phone before to feeling sleepy

It seemed Sarah had the right plan, Sleep as time would apparently go by faster even if it was travelling at the same speed but you just think it goes faster due to being asleep

As they were being checked the NHS officials had told the press this mystery illness was worse then covid and that if anyone had any symptoms to get tested

This would cause somewhat panic and this is why both Ellie and Jones's parents refused to watch the news when the two were up awake or nearby or in the room with them

They didn't really want the kids to freak out, as it would raise both Sarah's and Jones's heartbeats up so much they wouldn't be allowed to leave the hospital for much longer then anticipated

Meanwhile in the room where my parents and I was, we were having a chat and Harry excused himself to answer the radio and I was handed to Sam and I smiled up at him and he smiled back

Harry walked in and said "I have great news and I know a certain Jones will want to hear it"

"Really?" My eyes widened "I'm a firefighter a fully fledged one?"

"No not that news but yes you are" Harry smiled

"Then what?" I asked

"You and your parents can go home" Harry smiled

We all smiled and dad carried me out of the hospital room and to the hospital entrance and Harry said "I'll be forming to your house soon for a follow up okay"

"That's alright Harry your free anytime" Sam smiled

Harry whispered the information on Hannah and James and Ellie and Sarah into Penny's ear so Sam nor me worried

I ran to give Harry a goodbye hug and he hugged me goodbye to and he watched as Sam piggybacked me to the bus stop and we soon caught Trevor's bus and headed from Newtown to Pontypandy

Once in Pontypandy they checked in with the station and said hello to the CFD and the rest of the Pontypandy fire station

Once Boyce came downstairs with Steele they said hey to him to

All was happy to see that they were okay and Penny told Steele once me and Sam were out or ear range the news Harry told her about Ellie and Sarah and Hannah and James

He nodded and said "thanks for telling me Penny, I think it's time we find Jones and Sam"

"There probably pranking someone" Penny smiled

"Yes they probably are I bet there pranking Boyce" Steele smirked

"Or any of the crew ie Elvis" Penny smiled

They headed upstairs to see where the two were

And James and Hannah were also discharged as well as Dr Hammer had told her she could be discharged and told James he needed to head home

This made James rolled his eyes at her and once she left he told Hannah he would never leave her as he would always be with her when she's in pain, sad or whenever she needed him

Hannah told James that she'd always be there for him also, when he's in pain, sad or whenever he needed her

They kissed and Lizzie took them back to hers after asking Bronwyn via text and she texted back saying He can stay with her, tell Hannah I say get well soon

Lizzie: will do

Once back home they cuddled in bed with a drink and a chippy made by James's mum herself and they throughly enjoyed it

They fell asleep in the bed after a shower and hands washed

And James had his head on Hannah's chest and Hannah had both arms wrapped around James as he slept

Hannah fell asleep once her arms were wrapped around her boyfriend James and after she had kissed his head

The police had found out something to do with the strain so informed the NHS officials and Harry and NHS officials told the press and Harry told Sam and his family the news

Soon hopefully everything would go back to normal and school could reopen as it had been closed for two months and a certain red haired Jones was starting to miss school as she hadn't seen her Newtown friends in months

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