exactly how I feel

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Putting the finishing touches to your makeup you watch your boyfriend in the mirror. He pulls on his jeans and mouths along to the playlist Sam made for him. You smile when he catches your eyes on him and walks over to plant a kiss on your head, "you almost ready?" You nod and douse yourself in the setting spray, the watermelon scent calming your nerves.

You walk into the party room and scan the space for Monica immediately. She stands at the bar talking to someone you don't know and gives you a discreet nod before grabbing the two drinks in front of her and excusing herself. Walking over to you both she hands you a glass and kisses you on the cheek.

"You look amazing, how are you feeling today?" She knew how nervous you were about the party, the meltdown you had on her earlier in the week when you couldn't find something you felt comfortable in. Bucky didn't help much, reassuring you that you could wear a burlap sack and he'd still think you were the sexiest woman in the world.

His words were welcome but they didn't make you feel much better about yourself, all the women you were surrounded by were stunning with perfect bodies. Their jeans didn't wear out from their thighs rubbing together as they walked, they didn't have to deal with not being able to find jeans that fit properly because the people who made them thought that if you weren't a size 2, then you shouldn't expect anything with much shape.

You took a big drink of the fruity cocktail Monica had handed you, the rum burning your throat as you swallow,settling uneasily in the pit of your nervous stomach. You look around the room at your found family, adopted by them all after Sam saved you from a crumbling building over a year ago. Wanda was sitting in the corner on her own just observing everyone, Thor laughing in the middle of the room surrounded by people hanging on his every word as he told stories of Asgard.

Bucky excuses himself, kissing the back of your hand and winking, you and Monica head to the dance floor swinging your hips and giggling when the DJ puts on your favourite song. Spending the next five songs bouncing together and drinking the shots that had been passed around, you stop and look for Bucky wanting him to try the shots you'd been drinking.

Bucky stands at the bar looking at the analyst who won't leave him alone, he knows she's flirting with him and he doesn't like it. She hasn't picked up on his signals, and he wants her gone, especially before you see it and think the wrong thing about him. You were the best thing that ever happened to him, he would never actually tell Sam, but he would be eternally grateful to him for saving you and bringing you to the tower after your apartment building was destroyed. He took one look at you and was smitten, he remembers the cute dress you wore and replays the moment you smiled at him for the first time in his head constantly.

The ring that he's hidden in Sam's sock drawer calls his name daily but he's waiting, he wants it to be a perfect moment. As a boy he always wanted to propose under the stars, he had a plan to take you for a night picnic in the dark sky park he found online. Feeling the hand of the girl in front of him stroking his arm he realises he must have zoned out and snaps back, taking a sharp step back and asking her not to touch him. Looking around for you he meets the stern eyes of Monica. She'll kill him one day he's absolutely certain of it, she flicks her head toward the elevator where you stand frustratedly pressing the buttons.

He walks towards you, calling your name and begging you to talk to him. Panicking when you pull your shoes off and speed towards the stairs, ignoring him and his pleas for you to stop and talk to him. He doesn't walk at full speed towards you, wanting to allow you the space from him you obviously need. He's close enough to hear the hitch in your breathing as you try not to cry, and it breaks his heart. He can't ignore the pain in his chest anymore, planting his feet and shouting at you to stop and listen.


You turn back to him and stare into his eyes angrily, "go back to your friend James, I'll stay at Monica's to give you both some space." Your own words breaking your heart, you don't want this but you know you can't keep someone as amazing as Bucky for too long. Beautiful people tend to stick together and you love him too much to ever stand in his way. He takes a step forward, his eyes glassy from unshed tears, begging you to listen to him. Nodding at him and sitting down on the stairs, you stare at the carpet so you don't have to look at him.

He sits down next to you and puts two fingers under your chin, tilting your face towards his, telling you how much he loves you and how that analyst will be gone in the morning. You don't want to forgive him so easily. he needs to know the ache that settles in your stomach every time you see women fawning over him is slowly destroying your soul. He can't help it, you know that. You know deep down he feels the same for you that you feel for him but you can't help but feel inferior to all the men and women that throw themselves at him. You both sit there just gazing at each other and you wonder how you managed to convince him to be your boyfriend. You thought back to that night when you couldn't sleep.

Going down to the communal kitchen to bake cookies for everyone. You were standing looking up at the chocolate chips on the top shelf and trying to decide if you'd stand on the counter or grab a chair from the dining room when you felt him behind you, "need some help?" He leant in, his face right next to yours as you nodded and told him to grab the jar.

It wasn't the first time you two had spent late nights in the compound, talking and sharing fun stories with each other, it had become something you looked forward to. Making the cookie dough and watching his face light up as he stole a piece of the dough and the sugar hit his tongue, that look was the reason you always made sweet treats. You'd do anything to make him smile. Jumping up on the counter as he rolled the balls and laid them out, you watched his hands so closely, you didn't see the smirk on his face. "Are we ever going to do something about this?" Looking up at his face and staring into his eyes, you hoped Hydra never taught him how to read minds.

He slowly walked towards you, not breaking eye contact and standing between your legs. "Can I kiss you?" Without thinking you pulled him toward you by his dog tags, gently pressing your lips to his and humming, tasting the sweet chocolate as he stroked your tongue with his. It was over too quickly and you chased his lips as he pulled back, his eyes blown with desire as he stared down at you. You grabbed his t-shirt to pull him back in but he shook his head, "let me take you out for a date, a girl like you deserves to be treated like a princess."

That was over a year ago, your life had changed so much and he was the best part of it. He pulls you into his lap and softly kisses your neck, murmuring how much he loves you and can't wait to spend the rest of his life with you. Without warning he stands up, gripping you and walking back down the stairs towards the party, shaking his head at your insistence that you're too heavy for him. He gives you the look he always does when you talk about your body negatively, "I could fuck you right here, right now, standing right in the middle of the floor and you still wouldn't be too heavy for me. Do you understand?" Sighing and closing your eyes you nod and rest your head on his shoulder accepting his words and holding on to him tightly as he walks back in the room.

Choosing the love seat just off the dance floor he sits you both down, keeping you in his lap and whispering in your ear all the filthy things he wants to do to you later. The pride on his face as you smash your lips against his and very slowly circle your hips in his lap. His hand discreetly moves under your dress, gently tracing the stretch marks on your thighs as he moves higher and higher. You stop kissing him and subtly shake your head, whispering that there's too many people around. You know what he wants to do. His exhibitionism came as quite a shock to you but you embraced it, this might be the boldest he's ever gotten however.

Pushing your underwear to one side and swiping his thumb over your clit, his metal arm holding you in place so no one suspects anything. Just as you get worked up again you hear Sam approaching, he sits down in the seat next to you both and gets comfortable. Drinking from his beer bottle and observing the room, he asks if you're ok. Focusing on Sam and nodding your head, you're about to answer when Bucky pinches your clit and you jump, scowling at Bucky before turning back and talking to Sam.

Bucky pushes two fingers slowly inside you, not moving them, just keeping them seated deep inside, his knuckles grazing over your g spot whenever you shift a little in his lap. It takes all your concentration to focus on Sam as he tells you about a trip he's taking back home to see his sister and how he'd love it if you both joined him. Torres waves Sam over and you feel a sense of relief that you can tell your boyfriend to take you upstairs and finish what he started.

He moves his fingers in and out of your warm heat, "cum on my fingers Princess, and I'll take you upstairs and make you scream my name all night." You clench around his digits at the thought and he hums in pride, knowing how much you love it when he talks like this. He pulls you down and whispers in your ear, telling you how he's going to have you drunk on his cock and begging for more. Your orgasm is gentle but effective, the warmth of your release washing over you and settling your mind.

Pulling his fingers out of you and gently tapping your clit, he moves his fingers up to his mouth and sucks them clean, keeping his eyes on yours and humming at the taste.

"Seems like you're ready to get out of here? What do you think?" You nod and stand, pulling him up and gripping his hand as you walk towards the elevator, pressing the button and moaning as he stands behind you and kisses down your neck, nipping at the spots he mapped out on your third date. You look back at the room before you leave, catching the eye of your best friend and blowing her kiss before departing for the night.

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