11 Trypanophobia, Go Away!

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Yibo POV

"I'm sorry, Boss," Sean apologized.

"Why are you apologising for, Sean?" I asked, perplexed by his sudden show of kindness.

"I brought unnecessary trouble to you,"

I laughed out loud.

"It's great that you know where you went wrong," I said playfully. "No worries, just be more cautious next time and everything will be fine."

"Boss, my wound is pretty big...," Sean said, glancing at his wound. "I don't want... I don't want to..."

"Don't want your wound to be sewn shut?" I asked, looking at his face and figuring out his fear.

"Yea... i-i-is it required?" he asked hesitantly, looking as if he did not want to hear my reply. Truth be told, I could feel him trembling from head to toe. He must be afraid of needles, or vaccines, or anything related to minuscule metal poles then. 

Sean looked like a brave person. He wasn't afraid of anything, and just tiny needles can make him shake with fear? All these little details of him just make him way cuter than he usually was. Wait, what am I saying?

"Boss? Boss? Are you listening?" Sean asked.

"Ah... oh, how would I know? Don't ask me, because I'm not a doctor anyway."

"Oh, yes... it makes sense, I guess," Sean mumbled, rubbing his head.

"Sir, maybe you can go a little faster... I don't want Sean's wound to get infected." I told my driver politely. Wait, am I begging someone?

He nodded his head and steadily increased the speed of the car. Sean gave me a strange look. Why though, I don't know. I stared back at him, after a few seconds, he looked out of the window. 

"How long will it take to arrive at the hospital, sir?" I asked my driver.

He glanced at his navigation map. "About five minutes, Mr Wang."

"How can it take so long? Can you really not go a little faster?" I asked, a choking sensation slowly taking over me.

He shook his head slowly. "Sorry boss, I'm almost speeding already. I can't do anything. I can't defy the law."

"B-B-But... he...," I stuttered.

"Boss~," Sean said softly. "I really am fine, I can bear with the pain, you know, it's only five minutes."

"Bear? Why should you bear? What should I do if your wound really gets infected? It will only take up more time. You are now one of my employees. I won't let you suffer." I said.

"I... it's nothing... and boss, you don't have to be like this." Sean said.

"Oh, yes. It's nothing, right? Just a few more injections are alright, right? And if you don't know, I can do whatever I want." I turned away from him.

Sean pivoted to the driver. "Uh, sir... I think you should listen to my boss. Oh, I'm not asking you to speed, but just to trouble you to go a little faster."

The driver leaked a smile. It was the sort of Asian aunty-ish smile that told you that they now saw everything beneath the surface. He bobbed his head and chuckled.

"Don't worry, boss, you know very well I will try my best to prevent my sister-in-law from having more troubles," he said slyly, grinning.

 "Sister-in-law? Where? I don't see a girl over here. " Sean said, confusion clouding his face.

"He's not your sister-in-law. Don't be so reckless when you speak." I told the driver.

"Wait, aside from you and the driver who is in this car, I'm in here too. Wait, does this mean you and the driver?" Sean asked, looking around, trying to make sense of everything.

"Yeah, what then?" I said, laced tightly with satire. "Don't you understand?" Gods, he really isn't the ordinary stupid type of stupid. His stupidity is on a whole new level. I slapped my palm on my forehead. Maybe I can take him for a brain scan when we reach the hospital. 

"Understand? Understand what? Wait... don't tell me that both of you really are together." he said, eyes wide open with shock.

Oh my god. This is pure idiocy. 

I rolled my eyes impatiently and my driver was bursting with laughter like a maniac.

"What are you laughing at, sir? What's so funny?" Sean asked my driver, who was still muffling his laughter with his hand.

"He's laughing at your stupidity," I said, feeling the urge to join the laughter too. 

"Me... stupid?" Sean asked, blinking. "Can somebody explain how this word could be used on me?" 

The driver tried his best to restrain his laughter. I let out a smile too. Is Sean this innocent? I looked out of the car. The towering sign of the hospital could be seen.

"Here, we've reached the hospital already. You... can you walk on your own?" I asked Sean. 

"Of course I can," he said, putting on a mask of bravery. "And I don't call you... I have a name, you know... boss." 

Sean tried hard to stand up and I could see him enduring the pain with all his might, but he still failed.

"Stop acting like you're okay and you can stand," I said. "You are not able to stand and walk on your own at this moment." 

"I-I-I can..."

Boring. I scooped Sean into my arms in one tug. 

My driver chuckled again. 

"Are young people displaying affection in public like this now?" He looked at me with mischief dancing in his eyes. I walked into the large hall of the hospital that pervaded the air with an overpowering smell of antiseptic.

"Boss, what are you doing? I can sit in a wheelchair. You don't have to carry me." he said awkwardly. Some young teenagers were looking our way and the girls were snapping some pictures, looking at us in awe. Was this really necessary?

"Ohhh, I know what you want now. You want extra injections right?" I said teasingly.

"I... boss... but... I don't want to..." He looked at me with pain in his eyes. Slowly but reverently, I placed him on an open and available wheelchair that belonged to the hospital. I went to register for Sean and got the number of his consultation on a piece of paper.

"Let's go," I told him.

"Boss, can you push me? I don't know how to move this because there isn't a handle for me to roll."

"Alright," I said, pushing him into a room that had a sign saying that it was Room 5.

"Boss, I'm scared," Sean said, looking at me with condensed fear shining in his eyes.

"Are you afraid of injections?" I asked him.


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