Chapter 4

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I can't stop staring at her. I know that I need to stop, that I need to look away. I need to look anywhere else, but noooo, my stupid eyes keep finding their way right back to her. To Lindsey. I love that name. I bet it would sound amazing coming from my mouth as I send her into a frenzy and make her cu... Shit!

I need to stop thinking these things about my best friend's sister. I rub my eyes and try to think of anything else. Cold showers, penalties, goals, Lindsey's plump lips. Dammit! I open my eyes, and I'm doing it again. I'm staring directly at her. I must look like a madman. 

Shit, she saw me staring. Again. And because I have no self-control right now, I start freaking smiling. What the hell?! It's like my body is working against me, trying to freak her out or something. I gotta get myself under control.

Lucky for me, Liam swoops in just at that moment and offers her a tour of the apartment. I blow out the breath I was holding. Maybe I can use this time to construct a coherent sentence to speak to her so I can redeem myself from my creeptastic behavior just a minute ago. That will only happen if I stop staring at her perfect, round ass that's parked right in front of me. Fuck, Chase, get it together!

Liam is explaining the sleeping arrangements, and I see my opening. He tells Lindsey that I don't mind rooming with him, and I take my opportunity to say something witty, charming even. "I don't mind at all, buddy, but if you snore, I may have to smother you with a pillow."

Yep, that's the way to win a woman over. Threaten her brother with violence. That works every time. It was either that or set free the pervy thought that flashed through my mind. The one that would undoubtedly make her think I'm a douche and make her brother punch me in the face. The thought was that if she wanted to switch up the sleeping arrangements, Liam could have his room, and she could stay with me in my room, in my bed.

I am so off my game right now. Not that this is a game, it's totally not. I have no stake in this situation. None at all, because my best friend's sister is off-limits. It would be against the rules to try to do...well, anything with her other than play the role of gracious host or maybe a friend. 

That's allowed, right? I could be her friend. In fact, I think it's required with her being new to the city and needing a few friends. And just like that, I immediately think of friends with benefits. I really need to get my shit together.

As I'm internally battling myself and externally battling Liam while we debate the snoring argument, I hear a laugh escape those sweet lips on Lindsey's face. It's a sound I wish to hear over and over again. At that moment, I realize being her friend may prove to be the most challenging thing I'll ever have to do.

Several hours and a few less than mortifying interactions later, the three of us have eaten and cleaned up our plates from dinner. Lindsey says good night and heads to bed while Liam and I retreat to my room.

When the door closes, Liam asks enthusiastically, "What do you think of Lindsey? She's great, right?"

I answer his unintentionally loaded question honestly, "She really is great, man. Super sweet. I see the family resemblance too, but ya know she's obviously got all the good looks." I smile at him, and he throws a pillow at me.

Liam's smile starts to fade, "I really want to make sure she likes it here. She really needs this." It's clear as day how much this guy loves his sister. I can tell by the look on his face; he'd do anything to protect her, anything to make her happy. At that moment, I silently vow to do the same because I do want to protect her and make her happy. I have a strong urge to do so, even though we just met.

I look at him, "We'll make sure she loves it, dude. Promise. You, me, Taylor, the team, we'll all make sure she feels at home here. Don't worry, papa bear!" I grab his shoulder and give him a little shake.

He chuckles lightly and shoots me a nod, then says he's going to shower. When he heads for my bathroom, I relax on my bed and start to daydream. Before long, I am fast asleep, and my daydreams have turned into regular dreams.

And the star of those dreams is none other than my new houseguest and current obsession, Lindsey.    

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