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Trigger warning: Cussing

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Trigger warning: Cussing


"Starting from now on, you're my friend."

His words echoes thru their brain as they just started blankly at the blonde man. "Starting from now on, I'm your friend?!" they repeated what he said.

Their lips just parted, while still holding a shocked expression on their face. "Well, duh!" the blonde said, holding the carefree smile of his still.

(Y/n) just sweatdropped. The person they have to gift on Chrismas eve just asked them to be friends? Woah, how surprising.

"Hellooooo? Earth to (Y/n)-chin?" suddenly, they heard the blonde, waving his hand before their vision.

They snapped out of their thoughts, as they shook they head. "Agh! Sorry.. guess I just spaced out.." they muttered under their breath.

"Ooooohhh! I see!" he said as he placed his hand under his chin, as if he was thinking of something, and then, silence settled on the two.

'Should.. should I go? He seems to be busy with his thoughts..' they thought, as they stared awkwardly at the blonde.

They were really just about to leave when the blonde suddenly broke the silence, now stopping them from leaving.

"Ya wanna hang out this afternoon?" his words escaped his throat, as he just smiled, as if they were already friends, though they didn't knew anything about eachother.

"Uhm... I dunno.. I have to study and-" their words were cut off by Mikey. "Alright, then! 3:45 pm, at the dorayaki shop!" he said, smiling softly as his face was just inches away from (y/n)'s.

(Y/n) couldn't help but blush at how close he was to them. "Oi! You're too close!" they spoke up, as they puffed out their cheeks.

"Hhuuuuhhh? I wasn't even that close!" he pouted, as he crossed his arms. "Meh, well, then! See ya at 3:45 pm, (Y/n)-chin!" he said as he waved goodbye, then walked away.

Weird, a taller blonde with a braid was just following after him, like perhaps some bodyguard or whatever.

(Y/n) just shook that off, maybe it was just a friend of his? Who knows? Yet little did they knew what will happen later on, in a positive way, of course.

Meanwhile with Mikey.

The short blonde was wearing a soft smile on his face, while his friend, Draken was following after him, with quiet an annoyed expression.

"Why did you talked to them again?" the taller blonde said, as a sigh have escaped his lips.

"Cause I pulled their name out! I have to get to know them, so I will at least know what I will give to them!" he said, in a carefree tone, as per usual.

𝐂𝐇𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐌𝐀𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓 | S. Manjiro x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now