Join the journey of Ayato Naganohara as he grow up with a strange backstory. It isn't tragic like many others but he technically shouldn't even exist at this point. He was born half human half demon with an exorcist as a mother. What happens when Ay...
It was a hot summer night when Kaede Naganohara was admitted to the hospital. It was a shocker for the whole family as she randomly screamed in pain waking everyone in the house hold up. Surprisingly Kaede's mother Hara Naganohara was quick to come to her aid even though she was 71 years old. The pair tried to quickly rush their way to the hospital but the task proved difficult as whenever Kaede touched something it would light into blue flames.
Kaede ending up being admitted to the ER under the claims of quirk defects. Everyone thought the poor lady was just sick and her quirk was being affected by it. What the doctors didn't expect was a average 8.5 pound baby to pop it's head out of his mother.
"Doctor! We made a mistake!" A nurse called out not leaving the room to monitor Kaede. As the nurse got the doctors attention and they came rushing over Kaede almost passed out because of the fact she was pregnant. She's being living the past year of her life normally and not once did she get any sign of pregnancy.
"Well, in all my years of working I've never seen this before" the doctor said astonished. It took them a minute to get back to the task at hand.
"Yeah this is a miracle but get this baby out of me!" Kaede screamed while pulling at her strands of platinum white hair.
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7 year old Ayato Yes he had black hair when he was younger it turned white as he grew up
"Ayato! Why is all the furniture in the living room scorched?" Hara said while entering the bathroom where the boy hid himself. While the normal age of getting a quirk was 4, Ayato manifested his quirk at birth. Whenever the boy's emotions went haywire the result would lead to ashes.
"There was an army of spiders....they tried to attack me!" The boy said while sitting in the bathtub. His grandma just stared at the boy like he was crazy, but she had already been through this with one child. A new one wasn't going to bring her down even if they had a destructive quirk.
"And you're in the bathtub because...." Hara said taking a seat next to the young boy.
"I don't want to ruin Okaa-san's furniture... she spends all day at work just to replace it" the boy huddled himself into the corner letting his black bangs hide the shame in his ruby eyes.
"Don't look so down kiddo. How about we go to the basement and do some training. Hopefully then you won't destroy anything." Hara said insistently as she quick made her way to the door. After Hara closed the door behind her the kid quickly got up. He didn't expect his Obaa-san to actually be up to train him. Anytime Ayato brought up messing around with his quirk he was always scolded.
"Baa-San wait for me" he quickly hollered before tripping his way out of the bathtub receiving a slight bruise on his knee. He quickly jumped his way down the stairs to the basement where he was candle scattered around the room. 'What does Baa-San need so many candles for?'