{Chapter 1}

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--Chapter 1--
Sussy baka


Mj: what happened?

JeeJee: Who?


Ivan: No I didn't!! it was Giuel!!

Giuel: It wasn't me! It was Liam!!s

JeeJee: Mj, do you know who did it?

Mj: I was in admin, I saw 2 people in cafe, 1 in oxygen, and me in admin.
So the imposter was in the vents when it happened.

JeeJee: thats all the info we have?

Mj: YepJeeJee: then lets just skip then

[everyone skips the voting]

JeeJee: Giuel?

Giuel: Yes?

JeeJee: Is it ok if I stay with you for awhile. Im scared and I trust you

Giuel: uh ok then!JeeJee: YAY 😃


Mj: goin into oxygen

Mj: lets clean up this mess...

Liam: HEY MJ

Mj: WAAH- oh its you

Liam: watcha doin? :3

Mj: oh just doin oxygen. nothing much...

Liam: Can we stay together for awhile?

Mj: sure 🙂

[In Reactor]

Ivan: This task is so hard! I cant do Simon says!!

Ivan: grrr I wish I could speed this up

Ivan: hmmmmm

???: *slowly walks in*

Ivan: Oh hey- OH MY GA- dies

???: *gets away*Liam: Mj look, theres a dead body! wait... THERES A DEAD BODY

*Dead Body Found*


Mj: Yeah I was with Liam.

JeeJee: oh really? who was it then?

Mj: Giuel, where was JeeJee?

Giuel: oh we splitted up. We needed to do our tasks and we didn't wanna waste time!

Liam: oh yeah haha funny story, I lost mj whille doing my task but I met up with him again!

Mj: yeah I lost ya too haha.

Liam: so who was it?

JeeJee and Giuel: We don't know

Mj: So I guess skip vote?

JeeJee: yeah skip.

[They skip vote]

Mj: Hey Liam, gotta tell you smth reall quick.

Liam: Yeah?

Mj: I respect you and all but I gotta do somthin

Liam: What is it?

Mj: oh, you'll see...

Mj kills Liam with glass shards

Mj: phew, now gotta kill JeeJee or Giuel.

Mj: *vents*


JeeJee: *doin sum tasks in comms while Giuel is beside her*

Mj: *Vents*Mj: *goes in comms*

Mj: Hey guys!

Giuel: oh hey mj! wheres liam?

Mj: oh hes doing some tasks hehe.

Mj: *smiles*

Giuel: Why you smilin-

*Mj Slashes Giuel with a blade*

Giuels Body: *does the flop*

JeeJee: WHUHMj: You have no one to help you now...

[Mj Kills JeeJee and Wins the Game]


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