Let's tell ghost stories

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A/N So umm... here it is :D hoping no one will murder me because i've been trying to work out my next chapter you see, and it was going well till an evil little Plot Bunny hopped his way into my mind... but it's okay :D I'm eating Rabbit Stew ;D anyways Enjoy :D SkyRed :D

Jamie POV

My feet pounded the earth as I moved, sweeping through the trees, rays of sunlight fell through gaps in the leaves, allowing for visible beams to be followed up to the tree tops. The distant sound of babbling water filled my ears, a river, I pushed myself to move faster, as fast as my body would physically let me.

I followed the sound, twisting around trunks and vines, jumping over roots and small plants. The trees thined out and I broke out onto the damp ground, moving cautiously, I checked my surroundings, there was no one. I moved over the muddy bank and sank onto my knees, slipping my head down to drink in as much of the fresh water that I could. The feeling of cool liquid trickling down my throat had me closing my eyes in relief.

Once I had my share I stood from the ground, turning sharply I began to follow the river down stream. I caught sight of a dip in the mud, moving forward hesitantly I inspected the print, from a shoe or a boot. I moved back into the safety of the trees, using whatever coverage they could give me. Following the trail my ears began to pick up the distant sound fo talking.

The low rumble of voises seperated by pitch and tone, three males, an older man, a boy my own age and one much younger. Before I knew it, I had spotted them, sitting on blue canvas chairs holding fishing rods.

Not much further along, the trees thinned out to a rounded clearing, a tent was set up in the open space, held down by silver pegs. After treading the border of the camp I moved forward. I unzipped the tent and entered, judging by the size of the sleeping bags the site belonged to the three males fishing.

I began to rufflie through the items, looking for something, anything that I might need. I had just opened the seccond zipper on the third backpack when I heard the footsteps and the high pitch laughter of the little boy, followed by the laughing teen and the chuckling man. They must have called it a day on the fishign and come back to the campsite.

I looked around myself franticaly, the footsteps echoed across the ground 'Boom Boom Boom' as if following the rhythm of my own heartbeat, there was no way out of the tent except through the way I had entered, they would know I was here, they would see me. Panic flared through my veins, like an animal realising it was trapped, I stepped back away from the tent opening as it began to rustle.

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