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"Hey I'm Miri" a sweet voice perked Suyin's attention

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"Hey I'm Miri" a sweet voice perked Suyin's attention. The Chinese girl took out her earphones and found a short, cute girl standing in front of her. "Hi" her voice wavered in confusion as to why this girl randomly approached her.

"I just saw how you were sitting alone and thought you would like to sit with me," Miri offered. A soft smile fell across her lips and she nodded. Instantly Miri helped carry her items down to their seats.

As Suyin was walking past Donghyuck he gave her a judging look as if he was disgusted by her presence. Suyin stuck her tongue out before striding off. A scoff left his lips.

So childish

He shook his head not wanting to get a headache thinking about her but something bothered him. For some strange reason, the way she talks and her body language. . . it reminded him of someone. And it really irritated him.

For the past few days Suyin has been sitting next to Miri and her boyfriend Nam-il. They were really sweet and all but sometimes the girl felt like she was third-wheeling.

"Suyin~ you were nearly late!" Miri moved along one seat so the girl could sit down. Her breathing was uneven and her hand flapped in front of her face trying to calm down the heat that built up from the sprint she did.

Nam-il handed her a bottle of water. "Here, have this. It's new"  thanking the boy she screwed the bottle open before downing the contents. Slowly she turned around to find Miri and Nam-il acting chummy with one another. Choking, she nearly spat the water out with pure disgust.

"Urgh - can't you both cut it out!" she snapped at them. Miri just chuckled. "Just get a boyfriend"

Rolling her eyes she clicked her tongue "I pass and I doubt anyone would like me" she spoke her honest opinion. "Well the looks you've been getting says otherwise ~"

"The what?!" she scrunched up her features utterly confused. "I noticed Sunwoo constantly looking at you,"

"Who is Sunwoo?" she tilted her head. "Umm there. . . that one" Miri secretly pointed attempting her best to not make it obvious. Suyin turned to spot a boy who was already looking at her. Noticing that they both made eye contact he winked at her casually.

Snapping her head around her lips parted agape.

The fuck? Why did he wink at me?

"See, told you!" Miri said confidently. "Yeah whatever" Suyin slapped her cheeks lightly trying to not think about him. Failing, she unconsciously turned back around. Her eyes naturally widened, realising that he was staring at her.

Gulping down she turned away fanning her blushing cheeks. She covered them up hoping no one would've noticed however a specific person did.

He saw the whole event yet he just found the whole ordeal somewhat traumatising to him. Internally gagging shuddering his shoulders.

HEALER ⬖ LEE HAECHANWhere stories live. Discover now