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Creator of Daniel Grant: Judocake, "Judo"
Writer of Daniel Grant: Judocake, "Judo"
Arc and Backstory of Daniel Grant: Judocake, "Judo"

The personality and depiction of the character Agent Daniel Grant "Grant" was created and are owned by me, Judocake. Anything related to the character of 
Agent Daniel Grant "Grant" and his personality, motives, and design are owned by me.

Creator of Joseph Creed: Evan
Writer of Joseph Creed: Evan
Arc and Backstory of Joseph Creed: Evan

Writer of "His Name was Creed": Judocake, "Judo"
Plot of "His Name was Creed": Judocake, "Judo"

The personality and depiction of the character Joseph Creed "Creed" were created and are owned by Evan. Anything related to the character of Joseph Creed "Creed" and his personality, motives, and design are owned by Evan.

I as the writer Judocake do not hold any rights to the character of Joseph Creed. Joseph Creed is not my character, but is very much related to the story of Agent Grant. I was simply given permission to write my interpretation and story based on the relationship Evan and I have collectively created and written between two of our own characters.

Agent Daniel Grant is written to be a cisgender, gay man.
Joseph Creed is written to be a cisgender, bisexual man.

Evan does not have any main accounts or links that I can share here. I am simply crediting him for the creation of Joseph Creed.

Thank you for reading these credits.

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