Chapter 5

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Double update because today is Xmas 🎁

"How does she just fall asleep that fast." Hope says looking at a knocked out Lizzie.

"I couldn't tell you." Josie says going through her suitcase.

Hope chuckles and moves towards the bed she pulls up the blankets, takes off her boots and slides in. She sighs feeling exhausted.

"I'm going to hop in the shower. You can take as many pillows you want." Josie says walking to the bathroom and closing the door.

Two minutes later Hope hears the shower running. She reaches over by the lamp and grabs the remote to the tv. She turns it to a low volume and goes to a random channel.

'I guess I'll watch tv until I fall asleep.'

She puts the remote back and lays her head on her pillow sighing as she watches a whale documentary.

She looks over at Lizzie who is starting to snore loudly. She groans not wanting to listen,she grabs a pillow and puts it over her ear and turns on her side.

She closes her eyes hoping that will help drown out the noise. After about ten minutes she hears the bathroom door open and her nose gets filled with Josie's familiar scent and she smiles uncontrollably.

Her eyes blink open as she hears Josie's foot steps across the room. The sight she sees makes her throat run dry.

Josie only has on a towel and she looks around the room before she finds what she's looking for. Hope's eyes go wide once she sees Josie holding up some very thin purple underwear.

The brunette pulls up her towel a bit and Hope feels like she can't breathe she doesn't see anything more than her long legs because Josie slides the underwear up her waist and under the towel.

She walks back into the bathroom and Hope sighs in relief, for a second there she thought she was actually having a heart attack. Her heart almost exploded out of chest because she felt a pang of arousal stabbing her lower abdomen. She tries to ignore it but she feels her cheeks burn a deep red.

She sees Josie walk out of the bathroom again this time with some shorts and just a bra the same color of her underwear. Her hair has small droplets falling down as she takes each step.

Hope assumes the brunette has forgotten certain clothing because she is searching through her things again. Hope wants to look away feeling as though she is invading Josie's privacy but she can't seem to.

Once Josie picks up a shirt, Hope decides to sit up. Josie notices and smiles, "Hey," she pulls the shirt over her head, "your up already?" She asks.

Hope shakes her head. "Uh no I've been up the whole time." Her face is still red and she's playing with her fingers.

"Cool." She looks at Hope's face and she sees the girl is looking a bit uneasy. She raises a brow curiously,"Are you okay?" She asks walking towards the bed.

"Yeah I'm good I just kind of seen that you were getting dressed." She says still looking at her hands.

Josie frowns,"Did I make you uncomfortable? I'm sorry-" Hope cuts her off.

"You didn't make me uncomfortable." She chuckles. "It was just unexpected." She says finally looking into brown orbs.

Josie sighs, "Oh, I just assumed you guys were sleep and even if you weren't we're all girls here right?" She says with a smile.

"Right. I didn't expect you to be so comfortable." Hope says rubbing the back of her neck.

Josie shrugs,"I'm very secure with my body."

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"I can see that." Hope says under her breath trying not to think about the brunettes bra.

"Really? How?" Josie says with a teasing smile.

"Uh." Her cheeks slightly turn pink. "Well your choice of underwear is a start."

Josie chuckles, "They make me feel sexy. And you can call them panties." She says walking over to the other side of the bed.

"Yeah." Hope says quietly putting her head down to hide her blush.

"Aren't you going to make some room for me."

Hope snaps her head up. "Huh?" She asks confused.

Josie just smiles sweetly,"On the bed. Your taking up more than half of the space on the bed."

Hope scoots over knowing the brunette is right. Josie pulls up the blankets and slides in laying on the pillow, she pulls the blanket up to her shoulders facing the auburn haired girl.

Hope just stares at the television feeling the brunettes gaze burning a whole into the side of her head. She nervously taps her thumbs together.

"Hope." Josie says in a soft voice.

Hope turns her attention to the girl. "How did you get over a broken heart?" She asks.

Hope decides to lay down as well, her eyes move towards the ceiling, she checks out its random patterns as she gets lost in thought.

When she finally thinks of an answer she replies, "I mainly kept to myself and painted. That was probably not a good idea being alone with all my thoughts but everyone mends a broken heart differently."

Hope can't see it but Josie is pouting. "You didn't have to be alone."

Hope shrugs "It's always been that way. Everyone is to scared to get close to me and for the ones that do, something bad happens to them." She chuckles, "Or they are busy with their own lives and I don't want to be a burden to them."

Josie feels her heart break at the girl's response."I'm sorry if I'm one of those people you think you could burden."

Hope turns to look over at her. "Jo it's not your fault you found happiness. I've always wanted that for you."

"I was happy. Things aren't always what they seem though, but what about you, don't you want happiness?"

"More than anything but it's probably for the best that I stop looking for it." Hope replies.

"You shouldn't give up on it."

Hope doesn't respond to that. She's not really sure how to. She hasn't really given up she's just stopped trying to be happy ever since her and Landon went separate ways. It was tough but she slowly realized how much of her time she waisted worrying about him 24/7 when she has her own life.

"Can you see yourself being happy without Landon?" Josie asks.

'Can I?' Hope thinks to herself.

"I don't know." She replies honestly. "It hasn't happened yet so I'm not really sure."

Josie nods thinking if she wants to ask the question she's thinking about. "Can you see yourself with someone else besides Landon?"

"Yeah. My whole world doesn't revolve around him." Hope says. Josie raises a brow in question. "Anymore." She finishes.

"That's a bit hard to believe. I mean forgive me Hope but I've never seen you show interest in anyone else." She giggles.

Hope groans in embarrassment. "I like someone." She says quietly.

Josie smiles and sits up quickly. "Really? Who!!" She whisper shouts.

"It doesn't matter we aren't going to get together."

"Aww come on Hope. It doesn't hurt to try."

"It might, or I might die of embarrassment."She replies."What about you?" She asks trying to change the topic.

"What do you mean?" Josie asks confused.

"How do you normally get over a broken heart?" Hope asks.

"Oh uh I don't think you want to know." She says laying back down.

Hope scrunches her eyebrows together."I do. You know you can tell me anything." She says softly.

Josie sighs and rubs a hand through her hair."I have a one night stand." She says quietly.

Hope's eyes widen and she clears her throat not sure how to respond.

"Yeah I know. Do you know the saying 'to get over someone, you gotta get under someone else' well that's what I do." She rubs her temples.

"That's unexpected." Hope replies.

"I wouldn't recommend it if you can't handle a no strings attached relationship." She says.

Hope scoffs,"What is that supposed to mean?"

Josie chuckles at the girl's response. "Come on Hope. You know what I mean. Your so sweet, innocent and emotional, it's not a bad thing."

Hope shakes her head,"I can handle a one night stand."

"Oh yeah?" Josie raises an eyebrow in challenging manner."Have you ever had one before?"

Hope groans, she knows Landon wouldn't count really because that was her boyfriend so, "No." she says quietly.

Josie nods and looks away before looking back at the girl."Do you want one?"


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