~Chapter One: Where it all Began~

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  "Seonghwa, breakfast is ready!" 

His mother called up the stairs for her overachieving son. Seonghwa was one of the top achieving students of his college. Acing every test score, getting perfect grades on assignments, winning any student fairs, and even being ahead a year from where he originally was meant to be. 

 The boy quickly came down the stairs dressed in his school uniform before sitting down at the table which was set with sparkling ceramic plates full of food and glasses of orange juice for the both of them. Seonghwa sat down and looked at the third seat, sighing to himself already knowing the answer he was about to receive, but proceeded to ask anyway. 

"Is dad not joining us this morning?" He asked with a sad tone, playing with his fork. 

"Unfortunately not, he had to go to the office really early today." She replied as she sat across from her son. Her husband was never home from what it seemed like. Seonghwa and his mother were concerned for their absent household member. The man always left before the sun came up and came home after the others went to bed. There are many times where Seonghwa's mother contemplated a divorce, but took her sons mentality into mind before finalizing her decision. 

Once they finished, his mother drove him to school before driving off to work. Seonghwa inhaled deeply before walking onto the campus, glancing at the different groups of students that separated themselves by stereotype; he said them as he walked by: "Jock, Preps, Nerds, Emo, Hippies, Gamers, Bad Boys." He stopped and cursed to himself. 


The "Bad Boys" sat right outside the front entrance, blocking Seonghwa's path.  He heard laughing before he turned to walk the other way, then a taunting voice called. 

"Oh Seonghwa~" One of the boys called. Seonghwa stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes, hoping they weren't coming towards him. Fear growing inside him, a hand touched his shoulder and a voice rang in his ears. 

"Where do you think you're going?" The voice came from one of the "leaders" wingmen. 

Seonghwa's tone became bitter. "Where does it look like, asshole? Class." He snapped back, hoping that they would just let him go. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. 

"You're going to regret having that tone with us." Another member growled. 

The olders legs began to tremble as the 2 members led him to an empty storage closet where they could be alone. The ones that brought him here had name tags with the names "Jung Wooyoung" and "Kang Yeosang" on them. After reading the names, a sense of familiar memories came to mind. They were all over the news, school websites, and included with all the drama on campus. Yeosang was expelled from 8 schools and sent to juvey twice and Wooyoung was their leaders sidekick, trailing by his side and following his actions. All Seonghwa could think is how the younger could be so naïve to follow such movements. 

A few minutes later, a figure appeared in the doorway. Immediately Seonghwa glanced up at the others before swallowing hard. 

"Well, well. What do we have here?" A low voice echoed from the shadows before the boy came into the light. Seonghwa cursed to himself again when he saw him. 

"Choi San." He murmured.

"Park Seonghwa, the schools top nerd. What are you doing messing with my members?" San sat down on a stool that was resting in the corner. Wooyoung and Yeosang came to his sides. 

"Your members approached me, asshole."  Seonghwa snarled back. Butterflies of anxiety arose in his stomach when he heard the chuckle to his snarky reply. 

"I would watch what you say, Hwa."  San leaned down to Seonghwa's ear. Letting his dark whisper echo before snapping him a cold glare. 

"Or what?" Seonghwa snapped back.

San took his chin to the olders chin, trailing his jawline before pulling it up to look him in the eyes. Seonghwa swallowed.

"Or else you will regret it, Baby Boy." San said with a dark and quiet tone. 

The oldest shivered to the tone. Why did he bring this upon himself? He thought as he watched San walk away before giving a strange yet encouraging signal to his other members, then leaving the room. Only then did Seonghwa wish he kept his mouth shut. 


"What happened to you?"  Hongjoong asked the older as they were walking home. 

"San's gang of demons is what happened" Seonghwa mumbled. His body ached and was full of pain. Looking down at his arms, bruises coated them. There were bruises lining his collarbone, chest, and torso. His under eye and upper cheek were slightly swollen shut from where Wooyoung punched him. 

"You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you?" The younger scolded as they began to approach the house. The older remained silent, staring down at the pathway as they walked. 

"Shit, Seonghwa? How are you going to explain to your mother?" Hongjoong stopped dead in his tracks when the realization left his lips. The older doing the same, closing his eyes and sighing. 

"I would either tell her or hide it." He said bluntly. Seonghwa didn't like hiding things from his mom, but also didn't need her going to the school and making the matter worse for himself. As for his dad, it shouldn't matter as the man is never home. 

The pair continued to walk home. Once they reached Seonghwa's house, they both entered finding it empty. Both shrugged as they went up to the olders bedroom. Hongjoong helped him cover up all the marks on his body that were visible to the naked eye before starting on their homework. 


The time struck around 10:30pm when the olders mother returned. The younger took that as his signal to leave and went downstairs, Seonghwa followed to walk him out. They all waved to each other and said their goodbyes when he saw someone walking by his house. It was too dark to tell who it was. Shrugging, he went back inside and tried to avoid his mothers eye contact. Luckily, she seemed too out of it to care. 

"Make sure you go to bed at a decent hour tonight!" His mother slurred as he reached the top of the stairs. "Your finals are tomorrow, aren't they?" Her voice dragged as she spoke; she was out drinking. Seonghwa stopped and looked down at her, noticing small red marks on her neck. Her eyes were dark and sunken in, her face was pale with her make-up smudged. Just to get away, the boy nodded and went to his room. 

Collapsing onto his bed, he heard his phone vibrate on the nightstand where it charged. He expected the notification to be from Hongjoong, but surprisingly, it was from a number he has never seen. 

Unknown: 10:48pm 
Expect more tomorrow Baby Boy

Seonghwa: 10:48pm
Who is this?

Unknown: 10:50pm
Your worst nightmare. 

Seonghwa: 10:51pm
Leave me the fuck alone.

Unknown: 10:53pm
Only in your dreams, Baby Boy. 

Seonghwa stopped mid-type as he realized who he was messaging with; Choi San. He rolled his eyes, putting his phone back down on the surface he retrieved it from before hearing it again. Buzz, Buzz, Buzz. 

Unknown: 10:55pm
I know you read it. Answer me.

Unknown: 10:57pm 
Park Seonghwa. You better reply. 

Unknown: 11:05pm
I'll make sure I see you tomorrow morning then Baby Boy. 

The older glanced at the screen, refusing to open the app, he read from the notification wall. Rolling his eyes, he put his phone down again and rolled over onto his stomach, groaning with frustration into the sheets. Tomorrow was definitely going to be a long day. 

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