Chapter 4

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After that chilling howl, I went to bed not wanting to hear another howl. The funniest part is the fact that I had a feeling of comfort and pride after hearing that howl, I felt like I wanted to comfort the wolf, I wanted to calm it down but I can only do so much.

Tossing and turning throughout the night was the most frustrating part, I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was the menacing howl that I kept on hearing, it was like broken record in my head that I couldn't get rid of. I finally slept off by 3:47am only to be woken up by my 4:30 alarm which was to start my training.

I quickly brushed my teeth and changed into my jogging outfit and went for my one hour thirty minutes run, when I was finally done and sweaty, I went straight to the shower and had a very hot bath to soothe my tense and strained muscles.
When I was done, I went to my closet and brought out a black leather skirt with a black turtle neck and a black leather jacket and combat boots, totally badass. Which I wasn't. (Picture in the media).

Getting my school bag I skipped down the stairs and met my mum eating breakfast.

"Mama!!" I yelled with joy.

"Must you be a child Ally?" My mum said with a fake glare.

" You couldn't have me any other way Mama" I said with pride and started eating my cereals.

We ate in comfortable silence and soon after I was done with my breakfast and was heading for the door when my mum stopped me.

"Honey, I hope you haven't told anyone you're a shifter?" My mum asked in a serious voice.

"No I haven't mum and I've also been hiding my scent, but mum, why is it so bad if people knew I am the last female shifter?" I asked the question that I always wanted to ask my mother.

"This world is a dangerous place, if you were to be discovered, they would want to force a bond with you and mate with you to create stronger heirs, you are in a world where the is only greed, betrayal and deceit and to survive it you must act smart and know your game. Promise me you won't reveal yourself and if you were to, it would only be to your mate after you believe he's not evil." She said in a deadly calm voice which scared me.

"I promise mum. I love you." I said with a lot of sincerity.

"I love you more my joy, now run along before you'll be late for school." She says in a warm smile. I really hope I'd be as strong as she is when I become a mother.

When I got to school, Amaryllis was very excited and jumpy which made me curious because she doesn't like school and she's not the type of wolf to feel emotions either.

Entering the school building, I went straight to my locker to get my things for my first period which was  AP biology. On my way to class, I bumped into something or someone with a really hard chest if I might add.

"Ouch!!" I said in annoyance while rubbing my head. The person didn't even apologize, just continued staring.

When I finally looked up I was met with black eyes which seemed to stare deep into my soul, I felt like I could get lost in those eyes while staring. He had brown hair and very tantalizing looking lips and a sexy looking jaw. My eyes went back to those eyes which were apparently glaring holes into my head and just that moment, my wolf said words I didn't believe I would ever hear.

"MATE" She said in a whisper causing me to gasp and look at him, he also seemed shock but covered it up immediately with a glare.
My mate just continued staring at me while I quickly got up from the floor, still starting if I might add. He looked so perfect, so beautiful, so eatable, so so so uuggghhhh, words can't describe his beauty right now.

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