Untitled Part 9

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"Goodnight, Nick," I gave him a soft kiss but he brought me in his arms and kept it going afraid he would loose me. He was the light in my life I needed. All of him was perfect. Finally I broke the kiss smiling. "Goodnight, Jennifer." he said and walked away.

I opened the door to Lisa sitting on the computer chair spining and now looking directly at me.

Her eyes and nose wrinkled,"Ugh you really need to take a shower Jenna." she spoke and opened the window."Uh I did take one, earlier actually." I said back rudely.

"See then the other option would be- NO JENNA!" She yelled

"What?" I jumped 5 feet into the air and trned around and back at her.

"You didn't! Tell me you did not go see Nick!" she yelled at me

"So what if I did?" I said cockly back.

"You lied to me! Jenna you can't date him! You can't! You are so not his level JENNA!" She screamed at me

"You do not control my life, LISA! He is very sweet! And what do you mean by "So not your level" HUH?"

"Jenna, he is not what you think he is.." Her voice went to a whisper.

"What do you mean?"

" I mean he- ugh I can't tell you yet."

" I don't even care. I love him, there is NOTHING you can do about it. Good night!" I said and rushed to the bathroom. Then slipped off my clothes and replaced it with a pair of shorts and a tank.

"Please don't end it there, Jenn."

I opend the door and put my hair in a bun."Just did." then walked to my side of the room and slipped into the bed.

"Whatever, but don't say I never warned you." She said and shut the lights off.

I shut my eyes and tried to think positive. It's all going to be okay. It's all going to be, okay. I rolled on to my back and slowly drifted to sleep

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