Chapter 6

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----Ella's POV----

"Holy Fucking Shit!' I heard Lily scream from I think was my bedroom. "Kason, Kason!" I shook her to wake her up. "W-what? Why did you wake me up?" She said with out opening her eyes. "Kason get your lazy ass up! Something is wrong with Lily!" With that she popped up and we both ran to be my bedroom.

"Oh my god! Lily are you okay? I felt tears form in my eyes. Kason grabbed the house phone and called 911.

"Do I look like I'm okay, Ella? Do I look like I'm okay?" She said before letting out another scream.

-----Kason's POV----

Ella woke me up and we ran to her bedroom. Ella was trying to keep Lily calm and find out what happened while I called 911.

"Hello, 911 what's your emergency?" The lady asked she sounds like she wasn't older then 20.

"My friend Lily woke up with blood streaming down her leg. And now she is breathing really heavy and in really bad pain." I choked out.

"Okay, can I get your name and your current address?"

"My name is Kason Smith and I am at 895 Weston Road!" I started to freak out for what reason I have no idea.

"Ma'mam please keep calm and an ambulance with be at your location within 5 minutes. Please stay on this line until the ambulance arrives." I agreed and stayed on. And within 4 minutes the ambulance showed up I told the lady and she hung up.

The EMT's rushed in and put Lily on the gurney, then rushed her out to the ambulance. Ella and I rushed after her.

"Ella, you should go in the ambulance with her and I will drive and follow y'all." I said sternly. Ella hooped in the back of the ambulance with Lily and they took off. I ran back inside and grabbed Ella's car keys and her house keys. I ran out the door locking it and jumped into her car, and drove to the hospital.


Hey guys so, I'm sorry for another short chapter. I just haven't had the time to write as much as I used to. But Like, Comment, and Vote! And don't forget that within the next 5 chapters there is going to be a surprise for all of my beautiful readers! Love y'all!!

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