Chapter 12

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Becky's POV
I woke up cover in a big blanket. My legs hurt. I lifted the blanket up and gasped. I'm naked. Tears well my eyes. I sat up. I saw my clothes on the floor. I hoped of the bed and grabbed them. I put them back on. He raped me. The thought sunk in. I then started to sob controllably. I felt my knees buckle underneath me. More tears fell. I heard the door. I yelped and backed up against the wall.

Austin's POV
"So what's the plan?" Zach asked. "We have to sneak in we can't just walk through the front door." Alex said. "I know that." I said. "Ok Robert you go to the back while Alex and Zach go for the sides of the warehouse I'll sneak in through the door over there. Our goal is to get Becky out of there." I said. They all nodded. "Let's go." I said.

I snuck to the door without getting noticed. I picked the lock and silently snuck into the warehouse. My eyes widened. They like transformed it into a house. What the hell. I scanned around the room and noticed something. I walked towards it. I clenched my jaw. It was a charm from Becky's bracelet. She was in here. I looked at the room. I recognized it. It was the room they video chatted me from. That was the first time I've seen Becky look so broken, but I know she's strong. I held my gun in my hand. I opened the door silently. I then heard yelling. "There here!" Shit. I saw two guys running towards me. I shot them both, not to kill them just in there leg to cause them to fall, but they could bleed to death. I started jogging down the hall. I saw a door. I kicked it open. I looked around the room for Becky but saw nothing. I walked out. I heard a scream and some yelling. It sounded like a girl. "Get the fuck away from!" She screamed. Wait that's Becky's voice. I ran to her.

Becky's POV
I yelped and backed up against the wall. I saw a man come closer to me. "Before I die I want some that." He said with a smirk. "Get the fuck away from me!" I snapped. I kicked him in his balls. He groaned and fell over. I got up and tried to run but he grabbed me. I yelped. "Shh baby." He whispered in my ear. He pushed against the floor and pinned my hands above my head. "Get the fuck off of me!" I screamed. "Shut up!" He snapped and slapped me. I winced. He began to kiss my neck. I tried kicking and punching. Then I heard a gunshot. The guys body went limp and fell on me. I whimpered. He was pushed off of me. I then looked into a familiar pair of hazel eyes. "Austin!" I sobbed and jumped into his arms. He caught me. "Baby I got you." He said. I cried into him. We heard gunshots. "Come we have to get out of here." He said. I nodded. He started to walk but I pulled back and kissed him. He kissed back. We pulled away. "Let's go." I said.

We walked out of the room. I was behind Austin. I heard a noise behind me. I was then grabbed. "Austin!" I screamed. He turned around and pointed his gun and the guy behind me. "Let her go Brandon." He said in a low dark and dangerous voice. "I don't think so Mahone. I think I wanna keep your girlfriend she's amazing in bed by the way." He said, the I snapped. I elbowed him. I then dropped to floor. Now Austin went after him. "Becky go run to Robert!" He yelled. "No!" I yelled back. "Becky go!" Then j was grabbed. "Let me go!" I yelled. "It's me calm down." Robert said. "We have to go." "Not with Austin!" I yelled. He grabbed me and picked me up over his shoulder. "No Robert!" I yelled. He ran o the warehouse and out me on the floor away from it. "Wait we have to get-" then I was caught off by an explosion. "Austin!" I screamed.

Omg you guys probably wanna throw knives at me. I literally was crying while writing this chapter. But don't worry this book isn't ending it has a lot more to go. Any way guess whose birthday is tomorrow. AUSTIN! He's turning 19. Omg I wish my baby was still 16. Comment and vote and check out my new Becstin fanfic Spies. I posted the first chapter. Love you guys💞💖😘

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