Chapter Seven

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Diana looked around for her friends at the Park. Penelope with her mother and her older sister deposited her with Diana and Eloise as they quickly merged with a flock of ladies. The Park was filled with people this day. The clouds rolled above them, the sun peaking through. The freshness of the grass and flowers filled Diana with longing for their country estate in the summer. While she did enjoy Town, she often missed Clayton Hall.

"Good afternoon!" her friend smiled at her. "Diana, you look ready to burst out of your skin what is it?" Eloise asked as Diana weaved her arms through theirs.

"Well, it has been eventful indeed." Diana grinned as they set off on the path. Diana told them of her upcoming adventure and the deal she made with her mother. The rest of the conversation veered into where she would go first and what to see.

"I have to be practical about it, I believe starting in Greece would be best. Dominic is letting me have full rein of where I want to go." They had veered by the Serpentine where they found a healthy crowd of the ton there.

"Do you think someone fell in?" Eloise asked amused. "The gentlemen are having a boat race," Penelope replied. Diana looked out into the water surprised to find many of said gentlemen getting in their boats.

The Prince stood out with his golden blond hair in the sunlight and much to her surprise he wasn't as formally dressed. In simple black trousers and boots, he had rolled up his shirt sleeves revealing rather muscular arms as he shook hands with gentlemen around them. Diana watched with the crowd, the Prince seemed in a rather good mood despite what was published for all to read.

"Eloise, is it true that your sister and the Prince had a private conversation?" Diana turned toward her. 

"Dear lord, I hoped you were going bring that mess up. Daphne insists the conversation was innocent and was just helping her with her shoe being that she can't bend at this point." Eloise rolled her eyes.

"What?" Diana asked, more questions streamed her mind.

"The Prince was seen helping my sister and was just having a conversation as friends," Eloise explained again. "They failed to mention that the Duke had soon joined them."

"Ah, I see," Diana asked turned back to the boats as they lined up at the shore, the impromptu race seemed to invigorate the ton in cheers.

"That might explain why the Queen is not here, she is must be sending out her spies and best investigators to throttle Lady Whistledown," Penelope said looking around.

"I'd hate to see what she would do to her." Elosie giggled. Diana looked out and found her eyes returning to the Prince, who was smiling and speaking with men around him. Diana even found her brother Damien joining his boat as his partner.

"Oh dear, Damien is in the boat with the Prince." Diana pinched her nose moving closer, hoping he wasn't still sauced from his outing after the ball. Partnering with the Prince she hoped he didn't mind her brother's fierce competitiveness.

Damien spotted Diana and waved at her. Diana waved back smiling at her brother with amusement. Diana glanced at the Prince who spotted her breaking into a wide grin at recognition and waved as well. Penelope pinched her, "Diana, he waved at you." Diana did not respond, she decided that she did feel attracted to the Prince and could now accept and admit that but she wasn't going to let herself be flattered with what could be just friendly interactions.

"They are starting!" Eloise watched amused as the pistol went off. Soon everyone around them cheered with energy, the men burst through the water in the boats. Diana watched as her brother and the Prince worked hard to surpass the majority of the boats, the Prince powering the boat rowing as her brother navigated. The boat raced seemed close between the Prince and another pair of gentlemen she didn't recognize.

A Pact With The Prince | Bridgerton ~ Prince FriedrichWhere stories live. Discover now