My name is June Lunonem. If you read the title of this story, you already know who I am. If you are saying, "Hera can't have a half-blood. That's impossible!!!" Then you are absolutely correct, but also wrong. She IS capable of having a half-blood. At the beginning of my story, I was not really sure how.
I do not remember a lot from before. The last memory I have is looking up at a woman. I know not what she said. Only that she looked upset. Even the details of her appearance escape me. She was beautiful, caring, and loving. I just know she was. It is as if all the memories I had at one time were washed away in the river. The only other details I recall about her is that she was....important.
These are the first things I remember clearly, more recently. Loud noises, metal screeching, loud voices, and then birds. Lots of them. A fight, running, falling to the ground. Suddenly finding myself in a forest.
"Are you okay?" a girl asks, walking ahead of me. She had a dark green jacket and an owl clip holding her hair back on one side.
I nod, hearing two more voices behind me. I turn to look. Another girl and a boy. The two seem to be discussing something called a pokey man. All three of them wore orange shirts with a pegasus.
"Quiet!!!"the girl from before hisses.
Everyone ducks down, save for me. She walks over to me, gesturing me down with her hands. She brings a finger to her lips. I nod, crouching with her as she signals. As I do, I hear something up ahead. Movement.
"Stay here." she whispers, looking behind me. "I'll take a look ahead."
"Madi, you shouldn't go alone." the boy chides.
"I work better alone." she smirks. Then she sprints forward before he can object, "Be right back!"
I look around the area, there is something different about this part of the forest. As if it is denser, more populated.
"She's always doing this..." the other girl says after a moment.
The boy answers with a nod, "For a child of Athena, she has a tendency to rush into things. It's so frustrating to watch sometimes."
"She's nothing like you or Annabeth." she sighs. "Malcolm, why did you let her go on her own anyway?"
He smirks, very similar to the girl from earlier, "Because if I stopped her, she wouldn't learn anything."
A few moments later, we hear a howl and then a scream.

Child of Hera: A Heroes of Olympus FanfictionPart One: The Impossible Child
AdventureThe Queen of Olympus, goddess of the skies, family, and marriage. A marriage known for its unfaithfulness. Zeus has had many half-blood children through the years. But what if Hera claimed a half-blood of her own? What if she had kept a child from Z...