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Peter was late to the Avengers meeting that he had been invited to. But he promised that it wasn't his fault. In fact, it wasn't Peters fault. It was Tony's fault. He had told Peter about the meeting just 2 minutes before it had began and Peter having only just finishing school for the day had to quickly change and swing the ten minutes to the compound.

He realised FRIDAY left the window open for him, so he instantly swung in, right onto the table. He hopped off the table and onto his seat, out of breath.

"Queens, your late." Steve said.
"Blame Mr Stark. He told me twelve minutes ago that we had a meeting." He groaned.
"Tony.... We told you a week ago and you forgot to tell Peter that he was meant to come?" Natasha asked.
"Sorry." Tony said.

Everyone just got onto the meeting. Peter and Tony not talking throughout the whole thing. 

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