|6| Memory Lane

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I finally made it home after spending a whole day with Jeremy, leaving in the morning. I dreaded the ride back since I was going to meet Idris again, and I wasn't in the mood to confront or hear what he had to say then again I wasn't a little child or a coward. I found him looking at me after unlocking the door, waiting for me on the couch.

"Not in the mood," I said while walking to the fridge to get a blood bag.

"Juni please," he followed me. "At least let me explain."

"Explain that you completely betrayed me or the fact that you stabbed me in the back?" I took a sip of the blood. "Oh oh or the fact that you couldn't even tell me!?"

"I was going to! I promise I was, but Klaus is smart and he always takes one step before us Juni. I know the man, I've known the man."

"You KNOW Klaus?" I placed my hand on the counter. "A warning would have been so great!"

"Yeah, but we wouldn't have found the cure if we didn't get him, even though there were consequences."

"There's no point either way," I threw my empty blood bag. "You still should have told me."

"I chose your life instead of telling you Juni, we had no choice he told us to get rid of it or he would have killed you," he got closer to me. "You were even followed by his hybrids, I wasn't going to take any chance." I sighed looking at him explaining. I couldn't even get mad at him anymore, he chose the hard way to save me but he did what he could. It would be unfair for me to ignore or not forgive him.

"I forgive you," I slightly smiled. "But since you stabbed me in the back..." I shrugged while opening my cabinets full of knives.

"Really?" He raised his eyebrows, slightly laughing. "You're lucky I can heal you little shit."

"Come here," I opened my arms for a hug and he obviously went in and hugged for a while until I stabbed him in the back. "That's for my experiments, Julie, and Wes."

"Ah," he hugged tighter from the pain, laughing it off. "I deserved it." He healed after I took it out.

"Yeah," I nodded. "Whatever, I let out the stress last night anyways..." I ugly laughed while walking towards my room, and he followed.

"No way," he opened his mouth. "You and little Gilbert?!"

"He wasn't little last night," I winked as I got the shower running.

"I'll beat your ass." He laughed out loud. Jeremy and I were more aroused for each other rather than anything serious, for now. We had tension that grew and we were finally released, we both had no regrets. After a shower and a bit more conversation with what Klaus did to Julie, we both agreed we needed to get some drinks and fries in our system at the Mystic Grill. I explained a bit more further to what happened to Julie and how her heart was in his hands, how traumatized my eyes were. Mid-sentence though I stopped myself and focused on a sound that took my attention. I canceled out every sound and only stared into space, her voice was here. I stood up and kept hearing it, she was talking to someone "Juni?" Idris said getting on his feet to stand in front of me. I canceled him out so I could only focus on Katya. She was here and she was around but not in the grill. I walked my way through the grill and her voice got louder, eventually I made it outside and saw her back but she didn't turn around, she only quickly vanished. The person in front of her and who was talking to her was Stefan Salvatore, staring back at me with a shocked expression, he didn't want me to find out. We stood in silence until he ran away like a coward.

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"Juni?" Idris came up behind me but I ignored and ran after Stefan. I was wrathful, the darkness I kept away for decades crept back into me. All my mercy, love, forgiveness shat out the window the second I witnessed him with her. Was it even her? Was I just tripping? It couldn't be, he wouldn't have reacted that way. That bastard was in his living room when I found him and I without mercy rushed to him.

"Juni-" he said before I punched him in the face, making him fall back and look at me. I pulled him by the shirt and then punched him once more, this time across the living room and near the front door. He lied on his back and I used my speed to get on top of him and engrave my hand inside his chest and hold onto his heart, feeling every beat and the blood gushing on my fingers. One move or pull he was dead. He couldn't even speak, he could only look into my eyes and try to convince me not to kill him.

"Juni!" Damon rushed in. "Juni, whatever he did we can fix it!" His heart was heavy.

"Don't act like you don't know why I'm doing this!" I looked at Damon.

"I don't!" He worryingly looked at his brothers life on a loose end. Witnessing the fear in his face woke me up, I realized how far I've taken the situation. I looked back at Stefan and softly let go, releasing my hand from his chest.

"I'm so sorry," I looked at Stefan. I never wanted to be that person, I never wanted to take a life away out of anger, especially if it wasn't deserved. "I'm so sorry." I looked at my hand full of blood.

"Juni I'm so sorry!" Stefan quickly held my wrist back so I couldn't get off him. "Please let me explain." He breathed heavily and sat up putting his hands on my head. I couldn't hold the tears back, the weakness and the reason I was even alive. She wasn't even my real mother yet she was my weakness, yet she was a disappointment. Just hearing her voice struck a lighting in my heart that died decades ago.

"How is this even possible?" I sobbed while looking at him. "Do you know how long I've looked for her, just to find out you know her?!"

"I know, I swear I know." He softly said to try and comfort me, in a way I trusted him, even though I was seconds away from killing him. "I've known Katya since 64', and once she found out that we just knew each other she wanted me to keep my mouth shut in case you opened up about her." I gazed further into his eyes, they were so nostalgic, they were a dark green that turned amber in the sun. 

"That's bullshit and you know it," I realized I was still on top of him, nervously getting off. "Why doesn't she want to see me? Did I do something wrong?!" I walked away.

"I don't know, and if I knew I swear I would have told you Juni." He followed me. "She doesn't even have a phone, she only comes to see me in person from time to time."

"Well that's unfortunate," I clenched my fists and turned around to look at him. "Because I'm done. I'm done caring, waiting, or even searching for her. She's fucking dead to me and you don't have to worry about telling her anything because I'm not looking for anyone."

"Okay," he nodded with empathy. I was a damn fool, killing an innocent man over someone who didn't even want to see me but to watch from afar like a coward. I was absolutely over her shit and little tactics.

"I'm taking this," I wiped away my tears and held onto an old bourbon bottle.

"Great, all that drama is over and we can finally drink," Damon smirked and went up to my face to place his hand on mine, just so he can take the bourbon and pour three glasses for each to drink. Damon was getting way too close and I wasn't going to lie, it made me hot for him. Stefan on the other hand always melted my heart, he was so gentle and kind. All these men made it hard for me, I couldn't even decide who was the hottest, but then again I thought about Jeremy more than I thought about them.

"I'm so sorry," I pushed my lips together after Idris walked through the front door angry at me.

"I was worried about you dumb ass," he pushed my head back then went in for a hug.

"I heard her voice," I said in the hug, which he pulled away to look at me.

"Her her? As in Katya?"

"Yeah, but false alarm." I lied. I didn't want him to try and convince me to reach out or look again. I was done with Katya. My real mother was dead and that's who I should mourn for, not someone who lied to me.

"How are you feeling?" Stefan talked to me on the side.

"I'm okay," I smiled through the pain. "I'll be okay." I giggled.

"Look I know we don't have much history with each other, but just know that I'm on your side. She shouldn't leave you hanging like that, I'm done seeing her." He looked into my eyes.

"You don't have to-"

"No but I want to."

"Thank you." I smiled. The Salvatores were starting to grow on me, mentally and physically. Being friends with them would be beneficial since they were strong and would probably have my back. Plus Idris needed more men around him, he was always stuck with me and his human girlfriend which he didn't even tell her about who he was yet. After a while with the Salvatores, we went home and I expected Jeremy to sneak in while Idris was asleep. The second he came to the front door I pulled him all the way to my room and threw him on the bed, quickly taking my shirt off and then getting on top of him to kiss him.

"Someone's exited," he chuckled after I took his shirt off to see those beautiful muscles.

"You're addicting," I bit my lips as I placed my hands on his chest and abs. "Plus I've had a rough day, so please me." I threw myself at him. It was another night of beautiful sex with him and he even stayed the night, showering in the morning and walking to the kitchen to get some coffee with the towel wrapped around his waist. I was going to warn Idris but I was too late, he looked at him and then back at me.

"Really?" He said out loud with his eyes wide.

"Morning!" I smiled through the embarrassment.

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