Chapter 4: Tango

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Inthelittlewood hit the ground too hard escaping GoodTimewithScar

'Scar killed Martyn.' I speak before I can process what's happened, staring at the message. Grian and Skizz look over.


'Martyn was just shoved off somewhere by Scar.'

'Why would he do that?! They were friends in the maze, and then both part of the SO DEAD... why would Martyn want to kill Scar?' Confusion fills Grian's voice as he speaks. 'And why would Scar actually kill him? Even if something happened, Scar wouldn't do something like this!'

'What if he's boogey, like Bdubs was?' Skizz suggests.

'Can you have more than one boogey?' I reply

'Apparently so, if that was a boogey kill. But still... why would Scar go for Martyn?'

'Why would Bdubs go for us?'

'Because we were near? I don't know!' Grian groaned, looking down at chat on his communicator. He paused for a moment.

'Wait... what does this do?'

He pressed a button, and a list of coloured names appeared. Most were either green or yellow, but a couple of red names appeared on it. Grian frowned.

'What does this mean?! They're all of our names... BigB, Bdubs, Cub...'

'Maybe it's some kind of player list? But what are the colours?' Skizz figured out. 'Wait... maybe they're lives?'

'Why would people be on red already?! There's only been one death, and that's Martyn. And why would we all have different numbers of lives? We all had three before.'

'Maybe it's changed. I don't know.'

'Well, at least Martyn's still alive...' Grian sighs. 'Even if he is appearing to be red... it can't be lives! Why would one of us be on red life... this makes no sense!' 

'G, calm down. We'll figure this out, and we'll get through it. We did before.'

'It was easier to understand before! Now we've all got different colours, and no reason why we've ended up on them.'

'Can't we work this out logically? What colour are all of us?' 

'Uhh...' Grian scans through the list. 'We're all dark green. And- no...'


'There's... someone here I didn't expect...'


'No, this can't be real. I don't believe this. It's just lying to us.'

'Why? What's going on, buddy?' Skizz looks over at Grian as he closes the list of names. 

'Taurtis is on it.'


'Taurtis. My... someone from a past world of mine. Evo. He was on Evo. And he... he died. The Watchers killed him.'

'Then how's he here?'

'I don't know!' Grian buried his head in his hands, groaning again. Skizz looks away, before speaking again.

'How many lives did Impulse have?' 

'We're not talking about this.' I interrupt. Grian and Skizz both look at me. 

'What? The lives, or...?'

'Impulse.' I try to talk without all the memories flashing back. 'I don't want to talk about impulse.' It doesn't work. Etho's death- suicide- appearing again- reunion. Every moment of him since we got into the maze appears. The best, the worst... returning after Skizz's death, finding Grian together, fighting Beef... And then... and then...

'Tango? Are you alright?' 

I realised I'm all curled up, eyes closed, head down. I look over at Skizz.

'I don't want to think about Impulse.' 

'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. I'm stupid,' Skizz apologises. I try to block out all the bad memories, not replying for a moment.

'It's alright.' I eventually say. 'At some point I'll get over it.'

'Tango, it's alright. We understand. All of us have been through so much... you're not the only one with bad memories.'

'He used to be my friend...' I murmur. It's all I can say before a sob rises in my throat, then another, and then I'm crying, 'And now I can't see him the same as I used to because.... because the dumb creators trapped us in that place and ruined everything.' 

'Do you... do you think the rest of the among us lot noticed that we were gone?' Skizz attempts to laugh. 'I wonder if they know any of this is going on.'

'The... the among us lot?'

'You know... Brody, Evil, Endless, Joker...'

'That lot? Oh yeah... that was fun.'

'And Joker never used to do his tasks...' 

Grian joins in, letting out a short chuckle. 

'They probably did... I don't know how much time's passed, but it has to be a while.'

'And playing Phasmo and Catastronauts as team JITS.' Skizz smiles weakly. I join him, glad for the happy memories to replace the ones from the maze. But still Impulse. And Etho. And-

A buzz into chat, and I look down at it, surprised at the message that's appeared.

'Evil Xisuma was slain by Bdouble0100'' I tell them. Both look up.

'EX is here?! Since when?'

'Since now, I guess. And he's died...'

'Wait, can you see what colour he is now on the list?' Skizz asked, looking over at Grian. The winged player nods, opening the setting again, scanning the list and-

'He's on here. And he's now light green. He was dark green before... oh my goodness, it's actually our names and numbers of lives...'

'So... Taurtis is here, Martyn's on red, and... we're all in dark green?' Skizz figures. Grian nods, closing the setting quickly. 

'And... who was the other red?'


Filler chapters! My favourite! 

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