[ C H A P T E R II ]

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[ C H A P T E R T W O ]

a bottle of whiskey


Sophie opened the front door with a sigh, looking up expectantly at the man on the other side.

"Um, hi, I'm, um, I'm Harry," he stuttered, the bunch of flowers in his hands seeming to quiver as he moved around on the spot, "is your mum in?"

"She's not my mum." Her reply was instant, a thing that she had gradually got used to saying over the last two years. "Jean!" She called, still watching the man with suspicious eyes as she waited for her to arrive, "one of your boyfriends is here."

"What are you talking about?" Her aunt's voice rang through the house, Sophie having to bite her lip at the awkward silence between her and Harry. She wasn't missing this for the world.

Sophie turned to look at her aunt as she moved towards her, the door shut just enough to hide the confused and searching look Jean sent her. Taking the door from Sophie, Jean pushed it open more, moving so she was stood behind her niece, "hello..."

It was a long hello. A hello that betrayed the fact she clearly only just managed to recognise the man who was stood at their door. Sophie's lip was actually quite hurting with how much she was biting it by that point.

"Harry." Sophie prompted with a whisper, deciding that having a staring contest with the closest plant pot was a good idea, saving her the embarrassment of having to look at Harry's slowly reddening face.

"Harry," Jean repeated, "right... sorry, I'm bad with names... what -" Rather ill advisory Sophie thought, Harry chose that moment to give Jean the flowers, meaning she had to duck as they were passed over her head, Jean hesitantly reaching out to take them. "What can I do for you Harry?"

Oh god. Here it came. Or more likely for poor Harry, there it didn't come. This had happened before. If experience had taught her right, Harry would not be coming any time soon.

"Well," he began, sending a rather awkward look Sophie's way, "I was just passing through and, I thought maybe we could pop and get a bit of breakfast together."

"Aw," Sophie grinned, turning back to Jean with a glint in her eye, "wouldn't that be lovely."

A little squeak passed Sophie's lips as Jean lightly pinched her elbow in response, the fake smile slowly falling from the her aunt's face.

The familiar sound of the tires of Jake's car on the ground hit her as she turned back to face Harry, but there was no way Sophie was moving. This was far too much fun.

"Yeah, well, um no offence but I kind of meant, just the two of us."

Oh god. She could actually taste blood by this point.

The poor man took a moment to look rather pointedly at Sophie. It took him a further moment to realise, rather disappointedly she thought, that there was absolutely no way she was moving anywhere, and also no way Jean was going to ask her to move.

"I - I had a good time the other night." He almost whispered it to Jean, raising his chin as if it would mean the words would float over Sophie's head and she wouldn't hear them, before winking a little to really emphasise what he meant, "It's so rare to find a woman who really listens, you know."

Sophie frowned at that, it not exactly being the best compliment she had ever heard. "I see." Poor man, he was about to be obliterated, "I'm about to teach a vagina workshop, so... no?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2022 ⏰

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