Chapter 38

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Over the next few days everyone got sick, even Ashley. It was three weeks before everyone got better but Ashley had to admit she was shocked and pleased with how they took shifts to care for everyone and how careful they were to try and not re expose anyone, especially the girls.

They had to admit it was eye opening trying to care for both girls who had an abundance of energy now that they were better and they felt like complete shit. They couldn't figure out how Ashley managed when they felt like death and she was battling with cancer at the time and still somehow managed to care for the girls. They figured she had to be wonder woman or something.

"See Mommy?" Nova asked as she danced around the kitchen.

"Mommy is sleeping," Luke yawned as he made them breakfast.

"Mommy sick?" Salem asked as she spun in circles.

"Yes she is," Marc said as he made coffee. "So we have to try and be quiet so she can get better."

"Go ousigh?" Nova asked as she bounced up and down in excitement.

"Not right now," Luke shook his head. "We have to eat and then we will see about going outside and playing with Max, okay?"

"Eat ousigh," Salem giggled. "Play done."

"No, we eat inside," Marc explained and both girls stopped what they were doing.

"Otay," They smiled unison.

"Okay," Luke said cautiously not really liking the smiles on the girls faces. "Here's your breakfast."

"Yummy," They sat at the table and picked up their forks. Luke turned back to the stove and the girls took a few bites then got down from the table. "We done," they said in unison while Nova rushed upstairs and Salem rushed out the backdoor while calling for Max.

"What?" Luke and Marc asked in unison.

"I'll go find Nova," Marc sighed as he took off up the stairs while trying to remain quiet. "Nova?"

"I here Daddy," Nova called out while giggling. Just as he passed their playroom, he heard their bedroom door open and her little patter of feet take off in the opposite direction.

"Nova, come on, where are you?" Marc whispered loudly. "It's not play time."

"I eat, I play," Nova giggled as she rushed down the stairs. She rushed passed Luke who was turning off the stove. She rushed to the backyard and looked around before taking off to the barn. She handed Salem her sweater and they covered their mouths as they giggled and hid.

"Let me guess," Ashley smirked as she came into the kitchen. She looked around and shook her head, "They rushed through breakfast and one went outside while one was the distraction?"

"How do you do it?" Luke whined, "Normally I would have no problem keeping up with them but I'm so tired right now."

"You learn how to pick your battles wisely," She smiled as she sat at the table. "Tell me honestly will it hurt anyone if they eat breakfast a little later than normal?"

"North," Luke sighed and Ashley rolled her eyes.

"They aren't skipping breakfast, they will just eat later," she started spinning the butter knife on the table. "I know I said I want them to stick to their schedule, but they have been cooped up in their rooms for forever it seems. It won't hurt them to burn some of it off right now. Just like I am having to learn to compromise, you guys will have to learn to pick your battles wisely with them."

"Why are you out of bed Doll?" Axel asked coming into the kitchen. "You are supposed to be resting since you are sick."

"I was just checking on the girls since they weren't in their rooms," Ashley pouted. "That and I wanted some apple juice."

"Okay," Axel said, "back to bed. I will get your juice and you saw the girls are fine, so bed."

"Yes Sir," She rolled her eyes and headed back to her room. "So bossy at times."

"When it comes to your health you know damn well that I am," Axel chuckled. "Do I need to get North involved or better yet Owen?"

"I'm going," She waved her hand as she called out. "Don't get them two involved?"

"In what?" Owen and North asked curiously as they stood by the stairs.

"Nothing," She squeaked in surprise. "I'm going back to my room."

"You better," Owen said as they watched her climb the stairs.

"I'll go find the girls," Luke said as he slipped out the back door. "Girls, where oh where could the girls be?" He called as he entered the barn. He heard softly giggles but purposely started looking elsewhere.

"What's going on?" Victor asked curiously.

"I'm looking for two little girls," Luke smiled and winked as soft giggles were heard again.

"Oh they must be pretty good at hiding if you haven't found them yet," Victor smirked catching on. "I better help you if they are this good."

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