Chapter 13

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~ Thursday ~

~ Third Person POV ~

Ellie got up in the morning where the sun has just arisen, doesn't feel like going back to sleep, she prepared herself to get ready for school. Ellie arrived at school, checking her phone. "I am 45 minutes early." She went to put her stuff away and head to class first. There is around 6 people in class, and there is the person she doesn't like, standing there.

~ Ellie's POV ~

As I head into the classroom, I ignored her existence just simply by looking away. I laid my head down on the table for a minute to enjoy the peace and quiet before a group of girls walked in. The peace was ruined.

I opened my eyes, stared at the back of Linda in annoyance; she turned around, I quickly looked away, but it was too late cause I could sense the daggers flying at me.

I tried to ignore them and rest my head back on the desk, but someone had come to my desk and decided to start a conversation with me. "Ahem." Linda cleared her throat trying to get my attention. "Don't talk to me, I'm not in the mood," I warned, not lifting my head from my desk.

"After what I said you will," Linda threatens, I ignored her but she kept on talking. She went on and on about something that I couldn't really understand. I shut my eyes as her voice slowly faded away but suddenly there was a loud thump on my desk that startled me.

"I've had enough of her nonsense now." I frowned as I thought to myself.

"What do you want?" I raised my voice, looking around the room realising half the class was here by now. "Nothing, just want you to STAY away from Roy." Linda demands, leaning herself slightly over me. I scoffed, rolling my eyes, "I finally understand why I'm being a targeted."

"What's the point of you doing this?" I questioned her, "I have my reasons, and you are in my way of reaching to him! Your just an obstacle that I need to get rid off." Linda leans into my ears and whispered. "I'm warning you now! Stay away from him! He is MINE!" Her sotto voce was enough just for the both of us to hear before walking back to her seat.

Just as she left my desk, Jackie and Charlotte arrived in the classroom. I calmed myself down before they have walked closer to the desk, I placed on a smile and greeted them. They sat beside me and we started talking to each other.

The teacher walked into class and started the lesson, the boys arrived into class a little late today. The teacher gave them a warning and they apologised and went to take their seats, the teacher have continued with the lesson. After a while, we were all working on the work that we were given during the lesson.

~ Third Person POV ~

During the lesson, Linda had come to talk to Roy. "Hey Roy," Linda greets in a soft cute tone, sitting in the chair in front of him. "Can you help me with something?" Linda asks, placing her arm against the backrest of the chair, then resting her head on top of her arm, trying to act cute.

Ellie looked up from the desk and noticed that Linda is acting cute, she started making gagging sounds as if she was about to throw up. Linda was throwing death glares at Ellie, but she just ignored them and smiled back at Linda.

Roy hears the sounds and asked if Ellie was okay, she nodded her head and replied that she was fine and went back to focusing on her work. The teacher called Charlotte and Jackie to help a hand with carrying materials for the class. There was apparently a lot of maths practice exam papers being printed out.

Before the teacher left, she has informed us that there will be at least 5 set of practice exams ready for us.

Linda huffed annoyed, she went back trying to get Roy's attention by talking to him. Linda was going on about random things that she has done over the weekends, but he wasn't paying attention. He placed down his pen and stretch his arms out to relax the tense muscles.

His eyes landed on Ellie as he watched her work. Ellie had her hair down, as she was looking down at her work, bits of her hair was falling down, blocking her view. She would brush them behind her ear to gain a clear view of the questions, and unintentionally revealing her side profile to him.

While Linda was wasting her time trying to get his attention, he was already distracted. Linda stopped talking, tracing Roy's sight and sees Ellie. Linda sat up straight and patted on Ellie's notebook. Ellie sighed and looks at Linda. "Ellie, YOU come and help me with something," Linda demands, giving Ellie a threatening look.

"No," Ellie replied ignoring her and going back to work. "Fine," She got up from the spot and went to join her friends. But she has decided to walk behind Ellie and Roy to meet up with her group of friends. As soon as she walks pass Ellie, she muttered something under her breath.


"What?" Ellie yelled, Linda turned back around and looked all innocent, "I didn't say anything." She smiled brightly, but it was an demonic smile that Ellie is seeing. "Ellie," Roy whispered, grabbing her by the arm, trying to signal her that they are still in class. Karry heard Roy calling Ellie's name and quickly nudged Jackson. Ellie couldn't hold back the anger and continued on, "No, if you have something to say, say it to my face!" Ellie slammed on her desk while she getting up from her seat.

Linda turned around and walked towards Ellie. She moved some strands of hair behind her ear and whispered into Ellie's ear.

"Should have been gone with your parents, stop being a nuisance and just disappear already, "

Ellie stood froze. All the sorts of emotions that was once under control now are unleashed. Charlotte and Jackie just got back with all the papers in their hands. "Well, all I said was that you should have helped me with something, why did you have to be so mean to me?" Linda asked with a pouty face.

"Ellie," Roy said, trying to bring her back to earth. As Ellie got snapped back in to reality, she shouted. "The hell!" She couldn't handle her anger, the way how she used her parents death against her in order to make her stay away from Roy, it's irritating. Ellie grabbed Linda by her collar, looking at her furiously.

Karry and Jackson sees the situation and went up to break off the two girls from creating more scene.

Charlotte and Jackie seeing the situation that Ellie is in, they quickly place down the papers at the teacher's desk and rushed over. "What?" Linda smirked in a snarky tone, "Cats got your tongue? Better back off before it blows." Jackson lets Ellie's handoff from Linda, "Thanks." Linda replied, fixing her collar.

"I think you should go," Karry asked Linda to go back to her desk while standing in front of Linda. "But-!" "Leave." Jackie commanded as she stands in between of Karry and Linda, creating some space between them.

Ellie was furious, her emotion was all over the place right now. Charlotte and Jackie were trying to calm her down.

Ellie was overwhelmed with emotions that she didn't know what to do, she felt like she was suffocating, she stormed out of the room and met the teacher at the door way. She quickly apologised to the teacher and explained to her that she needed some breather, and need to get some fresh water.

The teacher nodded her head and carried the rest of the exam papers into the room. "Ellie!" They shouted for her in sync. "Everybody sit down!" The teacher commanded as she walked in.

Ellie sat down on a bench outside, she took a deep breath and trying to cool herself down from the thoughts and what just happened. The breeze sweeping pass her cheeks, brushing a few strands of her hair out of her face.

As she stares off into the distant, someone is approaching to her from behind.

Publish date: 08/05/22

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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