Crack head time🤪 #1

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Hello people I just wanted to say I had this conversation in some comments in a book on hear I just wanted to share so basically we were talking about losing all are stuff in Minecraft right.

And I just wanted to tell u a story.

So this one time I went on a adventure with my dog and I didn't bring a bed... yeah I know I'm dumb I get it ok so. This one day we were walking on this island right and you know what decided to come up behind me a MOTHER FUCKING CREEPER LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. And it blows me up.

So I respond at my house with all my shit gone and my dog gone it took me A HOLE ASS DAY to find ware I was and get back all my shit was gone dog. Dead. And a hole in the ground. I cryed like WHY U DO THAT TO ME !!! 😭


Anyways so I have a meme for u 😎✨💅

And as always stay stupid honey #StayStupid tag me if you use my hashtag and tell your friends to read this

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And as always stay stupid honey #StayStupid tag me if you use my hashtag and tell your friends to read this

Bye Bye 👋

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