⭒twenty seven⭒

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It's been not even twenty four hours since I talked to Kaz and Wylan yesterday. I met Wylan at the canals this morning to see what all he found out. He told me about the parem, the shu, the hostage, and even the Ice Court itself. Showing me his impressive drawing sourced from none other than Matthias Helvar. Surely not willingly.

And we leave tonight, once Kaz finds a ship.

As if on cue, Nikolas bursts through the door. "Don't know how to knock?" I lean forward slightly onto my desk. He sends me disgusted look before ignoring me to continue.

"Kaz found a ship" I raise a brow at the information. "A small one, called Ferolind. He's put up flags of Haanraadt Bay Company so the Fjerdans will think you're just Kerch trappers"

Smart. I'll give Brekker that.

"Fifth Harbour tonight, they're leaving" I sigh deeply before giving him a nod. My brain has made a mental checklist already of everything I need to do before that ship pulls out of the Harbour tonight. "No thank you?" He steps closer to me, his body leaned against the edge of my desk. Tapping his hand on the desk, slowly inching closer to my hand.

I send him a playful glare, rolling my eyes. "Thank you very much, my favorite Inferni" He grins as the words leave my lips, nodding his head slightly, his fingers tracing the palm of my hand. I shake my head slowly, "Get out of here" Idiot. Leave it to Nikolas to put me back in a good mood with his antics.

"Okay..." I mutter under my breath as Nikolas leaves, closing the door softly behind him. I need to get some things together for the journey. I need to pack light. I also need to get some warm clothes for the harsh Fjerda winter. Saints, I hate the cold. I grab a pencil from the cupholder on my desk, starting to scribble out the mental list I made.

A knock on the window startles me causing me to jump and break the pencil tip, leaving a streak on my list.  With my heart still beating out of my chest, I turn to see what made the noise. My eyes land on the small Suli girl hanging onto the ledge of the window. "Fuck, Inej?" I question, eyebrows furrowed.

Why is she here? I swear if Kaz sent her the grovel at my feet for him, I will personally kill him myself. I'll beat him with his own damn cane. I push myself off my chair, making my way to the window. I unlock it, sliding it up until it clicks. Inej slides into the room with ease, dressed in her usual attire which consists of slippers, trousers, a long shirt, and a purple scarf.

"What the hell are you doing here? Does Jesper not know how to relay a message?" I rub my face in frustration. Don't trust a gambler. Infact he's probably the one who convinced her to come here. For Saints sake.

"I'm not here because of Kaz or Jesper." She stops her self quickly, scrunching her noise. "Well kind of because of Kaz." I roll my eyes.

"I don't think Kaz had any right to kick you off the team after involving you in the first place. Especially not for the reasons he claims" She pulls her scarf off her head, letting it rest on her shoulders.

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"That doesn't really explain why you're here, Inej" I plop down onto my chair, leaning back into it. I pick at the skin around my thumb as a nervous habit before I catch myself, letting my hand sit in my lap.

"Come with us. Come with me, Amvri" Her brown eyes plead with me and I have to look away before she can suck me into her puppy dog look. Fuck. Her eyes move from mine to the papers thrown about my desk. I scramble to shuffle the papers out of the way but it's too late as Inej eyes have lit up like a Christmas tree.

"You were going to come anyway!" She practically screams.

"What! No. I wasn't" I strike down her accusation right away. I quickly shove the papers into the drawer of my desk, slamming it shut.

"I'll pick you up tonight, we can walk together" Her smile doesn't leave her face as she pads to the window.

"Wait, Inej!" I jump up from my seat, rushing towards the window. "No!" I stomp my foot like a toddler not getting a lollipop in a candy shop.

"Be ready" and with that she dropped out of the window, landing swiftly on the ground like a feather.

"For Saint's sake!" I groan, slamming my fist down onto the window sill. How do they always talk me into this shit.

Inej sits at the door frame of the creaky building we call the Rider. She's lost in thought as I slip through the door, turning to say goodbye to Nikolas. He gives me a lopsided grin, holiding his arms out. I slink into his embrace easily, taking pleasure in the calm and warmth. "You be safe"

"I will, Niko. Keep this place together while I'm gone. Keep the grisha safe" he gives me a swift nod, putting his hand to his forehead in a "salute". A smile breaks out on my face at his humor. I am going to miss him, and Ketterdam. The cold of Fjerda awaits me.

Yay. Note the sarcasm.

I squeezed his hand once more before turning to Inej. "Ready?" I give her a nod. She slowly gets up from her seated position, starting off towards West Stave. We walk side by side, my boots thudding against the ground but Inej is as quiet as a mouse, her slippers light as a feather, not making a sound.

Inej's breathing had picked up as we made it through West Stave. I throw her a curious glance, watching her carefully. "Are you okay?" her eyes snap to mine, looking dazed. She pauses for a moment before breathlessly muttering a "What?"

My eyebrows draw together in confusion at the sight of Inej loooking slightly terrified. I watch as her body slowly becomes less rigid as we pass the Menagerie. "Inej-" I start but I'm cut off as something hard slams into the base of my skull.

"Oh fuck that hurt."

I crumple to the ground, letting out a groan of pain. My head thumps with pain and my vision is slightly blurry from the impact. "What the fuck?" I mutter, squinting through the pain to look for Inej.

"Hello, little lynx"


Tante Heleen.

What the hell? Inej practically hisses at her, wrenching her arm out of Heleens grip. She turned to escape but Heleens bruiser, who I recognize as Cobbet, blocks her path. He holds a loaded revolver in his hand, which I assumed it was smacked me upside the god damn head.

"Oh, no you don't, little lynx" Tante's voice is like nails on a chalkboard. Maybe that's just because my head is throbbing. Inej doesn't look well, her face pale. "That's not my name" Inej fumbles out, clearly frightened.

"Stubborn thing" Heleen chuckles, stepping forward to grab Inej's shirt. "Lynx is your only name, you're still pretty enough to fetch a good price. Your friend here is quite pretty as well. Maybe as a cheetah. Getting hard around the eyes though—too much time spent with that little thug Brekker"

A choked whimper falls from Inej's lips as she stands frozen. I take this as my opportunity to get up from the ground. I watch Cobbet eye me suspiciously. I'm torn between using my powers here, infront of Tante and the crowd of West Stave, or not doing anything.

"I know what you are, lynx. I know what you're worth down the the cent. Cobbet, maybe we should take them home now"

"You don't know shit, Heleen" I spat at her

Inej looks like she's going to pass out, her bronze skin dull. "You wouldn't dare. The dregs-" but Heleen cuts her off.

"I can bide my time, little lynx. You'll wear my silks again, I promise." She lets Inej's shirt go, giving me a once over. "Enjoy your night" and with that she disappears into the neverending crowds. Cobbet smirks at me before follow Heleen into the crowd.

Inej stands still for a second before darting away. I gasp softly, taking off after her. "Inej!" Her legs move fast and she doesn't stop until right past the commotion of the Lid. The crowds have evened out here, only a few stragglers here and there. Inej takes a deep breath, seemingly calming down and her skin returning to it's golden brown color.

"Are you okay?"I ask while doubled over, trying to catch my breath from the sudden cardio.

She turns back to look at me,"No, but I will be" she looks away. "We're late" and with that we took off towards the loading docks of Fifth Harbour.

We slowed as we reached where crates where stacked high and many like a maze. "There" I squint to see where she pointed and sure enough Kaz stands there. Which I don't recognize at first as he's wearing sailor clothes. But there's not mistaking his hair, it's him. The ship was behind him in the mist, the Ferolind.

"Oh no..." Inej mutters from infront of me. I look around not seeing what she was seeing until my eyes land on Dirix. A member of the Dregs who was supposed to be accompanying us in the journey. A knife stuck out if his stomach, his eyes glazed over. I spin around, trying to sense heartbeats but Inej screaming Kaz's name breaks my concentration.

"Get down!" She yells, but it's too late. The ship explodes with a boom. The heat of the flames reach my cheeks before I'm thrown back from force.

Author's note: this chapter is also kind of short oops. Longer ones in the future, promise. I started college back up so I've been busy and have written much lately. But I'm going to try to update more often. Love y'all.

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This reminds me of an interview with her reading this comment 

“… I would let inej walk all over me”
And then amita was like 
“Aww we could take a walk together😁”
And freddy and kit were like “i dont think she meant that”
And amita was like “what does that mean?”
Freddy and kit both very sheepishly said “uhh nevermind”

2y ago

So proud of you for always making every chapter an adventure still💛💛💛

3y ago

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