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The alarm that was sounding was deafening.

It was an awful screeching that we could hear even before we fully completed the apparation. It grew ten times in volume by the time our feet landed in Hogsmede. I fell hard on my ankle and it throbbed, but there was no time to take it easy; we had to move quickly. We ducked around the corner of a brick building and scanned our surroundings.

I'd anticipated being alone, although I was unsure why. I was startled to see other wizards and witches in the town who were running frantically. Through the breaks in the alarm, I could hear spells bouncing off of surfaces and people grunting in pain.

Death Eaters were here as well.

"How are these people all expecting to get to the school?" I whispered loudly to him over the alarm.

His eyes were searching. Suddenly he said, almost at a yell, "There!"

He pointed to a building a couple streets away. An old man stood in the doorframe, half inside and half out, like he was unsure what to do with himself.

"Is that...?" I started, looking directly at the man that starkly resembled our late headmaster.

"No, it can't be," Draco replied. "Come on."

He grabbed me by the hand and we started running across the street, completely exposed, functioning on nerve alone.

A jet of green light barely missed my head and I felt the heat singe my hair. Draco had my left arm in his grasp, pulling me with him, but my right arm was free. I raised my wand as we sprinted and aimed it at a cloaked figure who was at a distance. I was surprised by my accuracy when his wand flew out of his hand.

We reached the door, panting. "Hogwarts?" Draco rasped to the Dumbledore.

The tall man didn't move for a moment. He looked at us and eyed Draco, like he somehow knew he was a Malfoy and couldn't make sense of his desperation to get to the school. His eyes flickered to me for a moment, taking in the situation. He set his jaw, but without saying a word, he stepped aside and Draco and I slipped in.

We walked somewhat aimlessly into the house, looking around for where everyone before us had disappearing off to. Then, at the same time, our eyes landed on a portrait with an opening to a long tunnel.

"This is it," I breathed. I took a large step up and Draco pushed the small of my back, coming in after me.

The tunnel was damp and cold.

"How long do you think this will take?" I asked him, voicing bouncing off of the circular wall.

Draco looked nervous. "It's a long walk," he said.

"We should run," I said, determined.

We grabbed hands again and started to sprint. The ground was slippery and our steps echoed loudly. After a few moments we noticed others up ahead, also walking along the tunnel. On instinct, we'd skidded to a halt. We took the opportunity to catch our breath before starting to walk again .

"Draco," I whispered, still panting. "Keep your head down."

If the people on our side were anything like the Dumbledore, they would definitely find it confusing that a Malfoy was here. And if they were more proactive than he was, Draco could get hurt prior to the curtesy of any questioning.

He looked a little nervous and he did as I had said.

It was dark in here and so there was hope that his platinum blonde hair didn't give him away too quickly. Once we were inside the school we'd find the snake ourselves without anyone watching and questioning whose side we were on - hopefully.

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