She Asked Me, Be My Sister

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Chapter title/song video "Sisters of the Moon" by Fleetwood Mac.

Chapter is about sex magic, so mature themes. Mostly just talk though- not all that graphic except for the opening scene. ☺️

Colleen awakened to long, deliberate fingers buried inside of her and her own wetness teasing the tops of her thighs. Teeth gently nibbled her earlobe, and a warm chest occasionally created friction against her breast as a side effect of her wizard's slow, intentional movements. She let out a contented sigh as she became fully conscious and brought her hand up to caress the tattooed bicep of the arm giving her so much pleasure.

"Good morning, love," Sirius whispered.

The man had been obsessed with her climax ever since their day apart a week ago. Of course she knew why. She'd read a few chapters of the book he had borrowed from Rhiannon. It was all a bit silly in her mind— the type of thing written for crazy, desperate ladies who traipsed the seedier streets of London in search of goddess candles and incense and tarot cards.

But Sirius had pleaded with Colleen to spend some time with his ethereal ex later that afternoon and learn the traditions in which Rhiannon had been raised, combined with ancient Celtic magic the witch had absorbed since her arrival to the British wizarding  world. It all centered around the idea of harnessing Colleen's own feminine power, accessing it through sexual practice, and utilizing it as a force of protection. It seemed wild, insane, and a bit dark and frightening. Not to mention having to work one-on-one with the overwhelming force of the now twenty-year-old enchantress. But Colleen couldn't complain too much when it resulted in mornings like this one.

"Sirius...oh god! Yes!" she gasped. She tried to focus on her "desired outcome" and "manifesting her power," as the book encouraged, but the fact was that her desired outcome was simply her series of glorious tremors around her partner's sensuous, perfectly crafted hand.

Colleen rode the final waves locked in his kiss, breathing in his air. The fingers that had worked their magic inside her came to trace her face intimately. She couldn't outright deny that there was power in what they created together. It was certainly different than anything she'd ever experienced before, and it left her profoundly relaxed and whole. Still, the thought of translating that into something as practical as strength and protection seemed bizarre and impossible.

They chose to dine at Colleen's that evening, with their guests arriving at 3:00 for the women to begin their practice. Ben would remain at home, but would be helping Sirius in the kitchen, along with Rhiannon's husband. Sirius did not seem too keen on this last part, but he did admit it had been his idea. He'd explained that the two were childhood enemies with a great deal of bad blood that extended beyond their obvious tensions over Rhiannon. But as Sirius was working with his therapist to erase the ghosts of the past, he thought it might be prudent to address this one as well. Or at least give it his best shot.

The pair arrived exactly on time, Rhiannon in another green gown, this time adorned with white lace elements, tied ribbons, and gold Celtic braids woven into the emerald satin. Her husband was much taller than she, dressed head to toe in black, with pale skin and the darkest eyes Colleen had ever seen. While Sirius had obviously been able to fool her into thinking he was just another man for quite some time, this man robed in black was the very embodiment of a wizard. People in her building who had caught a glimpse of the couple on their way up must still be scraping their mouths off the floor.

"Hello," Colleen greeted them, mustering the most confident smile she could. "Happy birthday, Rhiannon."

The girl enveloped Colleen in a hug. "Thank you. I'm so excited to be celebrating it here with you and Sirius. Your home is beautiful— so warm and elegant! I told you that you had an eye for beauty. This is my husband, Severus Snape."

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