I mentally screamed at the fact that Luke hugged me... and whispered in my ear. He pulled back and searched for something, but I wasn't sure what it was. He finally spoke up.
"Hey you're that girl who flipped me the bird before the show last night!" Luke smiled.
"Yep, I'm Luna in case you didn't get my name". I was shaking because I felt as if everything I say could either screw this whole thing up or make it amazing.
"Luna, that's such a beautiful name! Reminds me of the moon." Calum spoke.
"That's because it means moon in Latin haha" I replied. Calum looked amazed at how right he was.
Ashley interrupted us. "Well, Luna, don't you have something to return to Luke?"
"Ah yes, um I picked it up off the floor of the stadium after you and Michael were stuffing around.. y'know when Ashton got hit in the face by Luke's foot?" I stiffled a laugh.
"That was hilarious" Luke stated. "Wait, how did you know we were doing that?"
"I was looking for the least crowded bathrooms and stumbled upon one that you boys happened to be walking past. I figured Calum was off banging a girl somewhere, so thats why it was only you 3."
Calum blushed and looked down, and everyone looked at him. Luke broke the silence by taking the ring out my hand and thanking me.
"Well we better be off" Ashton spoke. "Wouldn't wanna miss plans with my brother Harry today."
I was upset that they were leaving, but when they said goodbye I didn't hesitate to tell them how much they meant to me.
Michael was the first to hug me ever-so-tight. "You're such a cute little muffin aw thank you for finding Luke's ring. Did you want a photo?" He asked. I nodded in shock and pulled out my phone.
We took 3 photos - a nice smiling one, a derp one and one where he is kissing my cheek and I'm squinting. "Mike, I love you and your stupid tweets. Thanks for all the crazy shit that's made me smile so far" I said. He 'aww'ed, said thanks and pinched my cheek. Then, he went to say bye to Xanthia.
Calum came up next and hugged me before saying "I really like your dress. Show's off your nice body." I chuckled and said "only you would notice that Cal" and he smiled before telling me that I deserve the best in life.
We took 2 photos - a nice one and one where we are sticking out our tongues. I whispered to Calum "You and Ash were so cute together. If only it were still a thing." To my surprise, Calum replied "Don't worry, I'm working on it".
Ashton was eager to get out the door, so I quickly hugged him and we snapped 1 picture of us smiling. "Ashton, thanks for everything you do. You make me smile so much, I love you haha" and a big smile came over his face. "Aw you're too sweet!" and with that he was out the door.
I looked over for Luke and saw him and Ashley talking. She pointed to me and I gave her a questioning look before turning around. I led the boys out the door, and Luke finally followed. He grabbed my arm and made me turn around.
"Hey, Luna, I can't stress enough how happy I am that you've found this. It means so much to me, thank you!" He kissed my cheek and pulled out his phone for a photo.
We took several, he just kept pressing the volume button. I'd say there were 20 at the least. There were many blurry ones, but the ones you could make out were so cute. We were smiling, he was kissing my cheek, we laughed because his lip ring got caught in my hair, and several others.
"Wait, how am I going to get those photos?" I asked.
"I'll send them to you! Give me your phone and I'll put in my number... as long as you pinky promise not to give it to anyone besides Xanthia. And same goes for her." He seriously spoke.
"Don't worry, Ashley already spoke to me about a similar thing. I cross-my-heart I won't tell a soul. I actually care about you guys Luke, I'm more than just a crazed fan".
Luke gave me a hug and walked out the door. And with that the 4 lads were gone. I was wondering what Ashley told Luke, but my phone buzzed, distracting me, and it said "message from Lukey Pookey" and I laughed.

Purity Ring ~ Luke Hemmings Fanfic
General FictionHe was the oxygen I was the fuel And together we made the flame But as quickly as it started... it was out