The day was going perfectly fine until the last period of the day, Mr. Morales' class. We were starting a group project in there but Morales wouldn't tell us what it was on for the past week so the suspense would build, finally he told us.
"Ok students, pay attention." Morales told us but we kept talking. Finally he got fed up and used his super power, sonic boom. "I SAID ATTENTION CLASS!" He boomed. We all covered our ears as they felt like they started to bleed. "Good, now that I have your attention, the subject on your group project is... Shakespeare!"
Sierra and I almost jumped out of our seats screaming in unison "I LOVE SHAKESPEARE!"
"Well that's good" Morales said happily, "because you two are partners"
"WHAT?!?!?" We screamed.
"Because this project is to meet people with the same abilities as you,"
Ross raised his hand and I pointed to him in the most dramatic way possible.
"And of the opposite gender." I started casting a spell, "and you may not turn Mr. Lynch into a female Mr. Carter"
"But... but..." I started whining, "Why???"
"Because that's not the point of the assignment, is that clear?" Morales asked me. I just looked down, "IS THAT CLEAR?" Morales boomed.
"Yes!" I yelled in a pouty mood. I walked back to my desk next to Ross and sat down with a huff.
"It's ok bro, next time." Ross assured me. I nodded and kept pouting.
When we broke off into our groups I was alone with the ice queen herself. I looked over and Ross was with this really cute blonde named Aliza who also had magic, who knew? Logan was with another Kanay named Becca. Elizabeth was with this guy that looked like he played basketball, his name was Brandon. Leah had a bad boy, who surprisingly was named Logan too. Hailey was with a tree-hugger named Shawn, and Ariana was with a nerd named Jamison.
I sat down next to Sierra and we started discussing what we were going to do.
"How about we do something from Romeo and Juliet?" She asked, "like the seen where Romeo kills himself!" She gave me a disgusted smile at me as I returned the gesture, then my expression flushed and I looked like I was going to throw up.
"You do know that in that scene Romeo and Juliet kiss right?" I asked her. Her face flushed as well and we started coming up with different ideas.
"Uhm... How about a scene from Much Ado About Nothing? There's a scene in there between two leads where they insult each other back and forth?" I asked her.
"Yea that sounds ok" she replied, "let's go tell Mr. Morales. We could get Mrs. Theatre to let us borrow Shakespeare too!"
We walked over to him and told him the scene we were going to do, he nodded and we were on our way.
"You better hurry up class! You've got an hour left!"
I mimicked him and Sierra started laughing.
"Morales is literally the worst lit teacher ever." Sierra said, I agreed. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, Sierra asked, "Why do we hate each other? We're a lot alike."
I was kind of surprised at the question but responded, "I guess it's because we never got to know each other." I shrugged.
"Well let's get to know each other." Sierra said. The rest of class we just sat there talking and learning a lot about each other. We laughed a lot and agreed on most things like how we both love acting and singing and Shakespeare, and pretty much any performing art. We talked about how much we hated Morales and before we knew it class was over.
When the bell rang Elizabeth, Leah, and Ariana walked over to us and asked in unison, "Do you two have a thing?" They said excitedly.
"OH HELL NO!!!" Sierra and I both yelled, this time I think I WAS going to throw up.
"Ok, never mind" Elizabeth said.
"We were just wondering" Leah walked away.
"Sorry for asking" Ariana looked annoyed.
After that, we all walked out of Morales' class.
Ross came up beside me, "So... you and the ice queen?"
"NO!!!" I yelled and huffed away. My eyes had fire in them.
Ross caught up to me and looked at my eyes, "Sorry for upsetting you... From where I was it looked like something was going on." He told me.
My eyes softened to where there was no more fire burning, "Sorry for yelling, it's just... people have asked me that three times in the past 30 seconds."
"I completely understand dude, I won't ask again."
Logan came up beside Ross, "So... you and-" He got cut off by Ross covering his mouth.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you" Ross told Logan, "Not a good time."
"What? I was just going to ask if-"
"Dude, if you ask again I'm going to magically zip your mouth shut." Ross said, cutting him off again.
"No, it's fine. No Logan, there's is absolutely nothing going on between Sierra and I"
"Ok, sorry if I upset you" Logan apologized.
"It's fine" I told him.
I went home with Ross and we played video games for a while, then a question went through my head. Do I like Sierra??

FanfictionOne kid who thought he was moving to a different town for his dad's job, turns out all of his friends from L.A got transferred too. What he didn't know is that they are all apart of something bigger, something super, something unreal.