Tallinn to Tullamarine

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I awake from my nap as the plane starts to land. Everything seems so new, even the clouds surrounding me. I hadn't even made it off the plane before I started to miss home. I was going to miss the stews my mother would make when I got home from practice, the long car trips spent arguing with my father about our conflicting music taste, and most of all, I was going to miss the people I loved most, my friends, my family, and the family cat. But it was time for the next chapter of my life, time for a fresh start.

I hopped off the plane at Melbourne Airport and made my way into Terminal 3 where my host family would be waiting for me. I put on a brave face but on the inside I was shitting myself. It's not everyday you need to introduce yourself to your new family. I walked out to the front of the terminal where I saw a tall, blonde, middle-aged woman holding a sign saying "Uku" on it. I ran up to her excitedly and introduced myself. She was going to be my host mother for the next six months so I wanted to make a good impression. "Hi Sweetie, my name is Linda. It's so nice to finally meet you!" She exclaimed. I was really nervous but managed to squeeze out a few words and say "My name is Uku. It's lovely to meet you too." Linda then showed me around the airport before taking me out to her car. I put my suitcases in the back and then hopped in the backseat of the car.

When I made it home Linda introduced me to the rest of the family. I met her husband, Steve who was a tall man missing a few teeth, their eldest daughter, Lucy who was in her last year of high school, their eldest son, Mason who had just started Year 9, and their youngest children, twins, Harvey and Ella who were in Grade 5. Everyone seemed so happy to meet me which gave me a sense of belonging and relief. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad living all the way across the world from my family. Maybe I just had to get used to things.

The family showed me around the house which was a beautiful and modern suburban home and my room which was upstairs with the other kids' rooms. I made myself comfortable and clocked in for the night as I had a big day ahead of me. I was going to meet the coach of the Melbourne Storm, and all of my new teammates.

It was only 5:30AM but turns out you don't need alarm clocks in Australia, the nature does it for you. I could hear a flock of birds laughing outside my window. The type I'd only ever seen on TV. But they wouldn't stop, so I was awake. Quietly, I got myself ready for the day and headed downstairs to get some breakfast before I left to catch the train into town. I had a meeting with the head coach and some of the players to introduce me to the club so there's no way I could be late for it.

I made it into town just in time to grab a coffee on my way to AAMI Park to meet everyone. When I arrived a young man from the management crew helped me make my way up to the coaches office for my meeting. We'd chatted over Zoom but I was still hella nervous to meet Craig. I made it up to the second floor of the building where his office was and I was let in my the assistant. I sat down and took a deep breath. This was it. "Uku! It's so good to finally meet you in person." Craig exclaimed. I let out a soft sigh of relief he seemed so nice and welcoming. "How's your time in Melbourne been so far?" He asked. "Oh well I only landed yesterday morning but my host family have been really nice."
"That's good to hear. I'm glad you're settling in nicely" He then said. "Now I won't keep you waiting, the team's outside ready to meet you"

He lead me down to the field where everyone was gathered waiting for me. From a distance everyone seemed a bit intimidating but as soon as I got to them I was immediately welcomed and made to feel at home. "Hey I'm Harry, it's nice to meet you." a voice said. I softly said hi as I greeted myself to everyone. I chatted to everyone for a bit and before I knew it, it was time to go home again. As I was walking to the tram stop outside of the stadium, Harry and another one of the players walk up to me.
"Now, Uku is it? If you ever need anything at the club, come to one of us" His friend butts in and says "Oh I'm Cooper by the way". I looked at both of them and gave them a simple "Thank you" before hopping onto the tram to go home.

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