Another day

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"Ladies and gentlemen!
I'm proud to present to you the new star, the new found talent, the one and only...
Monika Ninshiki!"
The producer voice was full of excitement, loud as it can be, sure to have everybody's attention
"Now we will hear our new born hope, on live, spread a light on our hearts with her delighful speech!"
My steps made enough noise to catch the eyes of the people seated before me, a couple of hundreds maybe.
I standed right in the middle of the stage, watching the stalls; I took a deep breath, and made sure that my words were clear and reassuring
"Our world is determined by progress, sucess and accomplishments.
Wich makes every mistake, fall and try a lesson for us to dig and learn.
I'm not the first in this business nor i will be the last, to change the world in better for us all, to make the planet we live in a paradise.
So i've decided to candidate for the title of the new Astro"
The crowd started cheering, clapping their hands togheter, excited by my discourse.
The tends closed, depriving me of the compliments and celebrations, the ones i worked hard for.
"Great job, Monika!"
Jun voice snapped me out of my trance
She opened her mouth to say something but she quickly got cut short by Gwen
"There you go super-star! Man everyone was looking at you like a godess ahah!"
I let out a laugh, just for a few seconds, while we were going to our dormitory they continued cheering; Wich even the students on our way did, and most of them decided to trow a party for me tommorow.
The fact was...that i didn't want a party, nor company, i'm good alone, but i have to keep my cool and status if i aspire to be an Astro.
"Hey Monika, what's next?"
"Next? What do you mean, Gwen?"
She gave me a confused look, almost a superior look, for knowing something i don't understand
"Like a plan, duh"
Oh, that...
"A club would be a nice idea. I still don't know what it should be, do you girls have any idea?"
Their eyes went big, surprised by the suddent question
{for the dialogues followed by question and answer I will put the initials of the names of the characters concerned before the sentence}
G:"Great immagination, there's a baking club already!"
J:"W-Well at least i'm trying! If you think you're that smart try to say something"
G:"Fine, an art club"
J:"Hey, actualy that's a great answer, but i'm not sure...Monika do you want us to check?"
M:"No, there's no need. Oh, and we're here"
I said while opening the door of the room they shared.
The three of us changed fast, i went to bed due my tiredness, meanwhile Gwen and Jun stayed up late organizing the party for my debut with other students.


"Wakey wakey, it's time for school!"
I couldn't make out who said that, but that and the warm of the sun were enough to wake me up
"Monika hurry up, you take forever to prepare"
I glaced the clock...4 A.M?!
"Girls, why are you up this early? I need more sleep!"
They looked at eachother, silently fighting for who will be the unlucky girl that got to spill the truth, wich Jun obliouvly won
G:"Uhm...well, since you take alot of time to prepare, and we have a surpire for you, she decided that preparing a bit early was the best idea"
I'm too tired for this bullshit but i can't turn back now, i guess...

Hi guys! i hope you all enjoyed the first chapter.
The next will be by Yuri's point of view, so don't worry!

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