Chapter 28: We Can't... I'm Sorry

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I changed a few things in the last chapter, if you continue, I highly recommend re-reading that chapter before this one, a lot changed and you won't understand what happens in this chapter if you don't... ok have fun, love you!!!


-Y/n P.O.V.-

He pulled back, looking at my eyes as I slowly opened them.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. I'm just tired and I-" I cut his off with my lips again, he caught on and kissed my back gently. He wrapped his arm around my waist as I put my hands on the side of his face.

We kissed for a moment until I pulled back. "It's ok, but this shouldn't happen again. The Glade is-" I cut myself off, trying to think of a good reason this couldn't happen, but I couldn't.

The truth is, I was scared that if I admitted my feeling towards Newt it would make me weaker, and from what I've seen so far in the glade, if your weak, you die.

Another reason why I'm holding back from telling him my true feelings was because I was scared of rejection. What if this was all fake, and Newt was just using me as josh did.

"Everything is going so well right now, I don't want to change anything. I think it would be selfish to go further with this. I'm sorry." I pulled away, turning before starting to walk away.

"Wait, Y/n," he said loudly, making me turn my attention to him once again.

"Yeah?" I asked in return.

"You- um... you need to get bandaged up too. Do you want help?" he asked kindly.

I had no idea what to say, "You can if you want to, but I can go get clint if you want to rest." I said after a moment.

"Sit down, let me help you, give clint and jeff a break, I'm sure they're tired of you being in here so often," he laughed.

I chuckled a bit but sat down on the bed beside him. He turned his body towards me and looked into my eyes.

I got lost in his beautiful eyes. The beautiful honey brown colour and the twinkle of the sun shining through the window.

I forced myself out of the trance and looked down at my fidgeting hands. "Sorry," I whispered.

He said nothing and I looked back up at him to see a small smile on his face, "What for?" he asked.

"Everything," I paused, looking down again, not being able to bring myself to look into his eyes, "Your leg, last night, the-the kiss, everything," I muttered.

"No need to apologize. My leg was shucked before last night, and you're the one who saved me last night. I would have had to go the whole night alone if it wasn't for you, if anything I should be saying thank you. And as for the kiss? I don't regret a thing, love. I'll wait for you. And if you find someone better in the meantime, or you decide you don't want me, I'll be ok. As long as you are happy and okay, I'm happy too. Okay?" he affirmed.

I nodded.

"Okay. Let's get you stitched up, love," he recommended.

I nodded again as he prepared a wet cloth and started taking the dirt off my arms and legs.

I winced as he ran the towel over a sensitive part of my arm, "Ah," I bit my lip to try and contain any sounds.

"I'm sorry, love. I didn't mean to hurt you, are you okay?" he asked gently.

"I'm fine, Newt. I'm just a bit bruised there," I voiced, looking down where it hurt on my arm to see a blue and yellow coloured plaque on my forearm.

"Sorry, can I keep going or do you need a break?" he asked.

"Get it over with, I guess" I sighed.

He nodded before going over the same spot again but being a lot gentler.

I still winced I bit, but not as bad. Of course, Newt noticed and asked if I was ok, to which I nodded.

Once he finished bandaging my arms again and my legs, he moved on to my face.

"You have a bit of a gash on your forehead, do you mind if I have a look at it? It might need to be stitched up," he confirmed.

I nodded once again, not knowing what to say.

He cleaned my forehead and took a few things out to put stitches into my head.

I looked and the needle that he would have to be using and started to get frightened. I looked up at him in shock, "Y-you need to use t-that?" I asked reluctantly.

He looked up at me, noticing the fear in my eyes. His face softened as he put everything down beside him on the bed and grabbed my hands, "You'll be okay, it'll be over before you know it," vowed.

I looked at our hands and looked back into his eyes, mine slightly teary, I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath as I squeezed his hands tightly before letting go, "Ok," I simply stated.

"Do you want me to go find Minho? So, you can have some support. Or Alby?" he asked.

I sighed and shook my head, "I don't want to be a bother, and you shouldn't be walking anytime soon. Let's just it over with," I replied.

He didn't waste time grabbing the needle and telling me to try and relax. "Love, I'm going to need you to stay as still as possible. Do you need anything? Someone?" he asked again, applying some numbing cream we had found beforehand.

"No, I should be okay," I paused before slowly whispering, "I think" at the end of my sentence.

He simply nodded before slowly holding my head and starting with a count, "Ok, 1, 2," he paused, "3," he voiced, pushing the needle into my skin.

I immediately gasped from pain and grabbed his shirt, closing my eyes and trying not to yell.

"I'm sorry. I know it hurts, love. You're doing great, don't worry," he cooed softly.

He kept going as I tried not to move around too much.

"Just a few more, Y/n. You're doing amazing, love. One more," he paused before completing the last stitch.

Once done, I let out a quiet sob of pain. "Oww," I rasped, my voice hoarse from holding back battle cries.

"You did amazing love. You're all done," he reassured, pulling me into his chest, careful of my head.

My head lay on his chest, my arms going around his waist, while his went around my head and waist, caressing my skin softly.

"Thanks, Newtie" I laughed.

"I hate that nickname," he groaned, "but you're welcome, love," he replied.

"I love that nickname, it's what I'm going to call you from now on," I stated sarcastically.

"Alright, love. If you say so," he chuckled.

He shifted to where he was laid back against the headboard comfortably and I stayed laying on his stomach. I shifted a bit to get more relaxed as I draped my arm over his chest.

I sighed in content before closing my eyes sleepily.

I heard Newt -or more recently named, Newtie- yawn as he shifted a bit wrapping his arms around me tighter.

"Let's get some rest love, I think we very well deserve it," he sighed tiredly.

I nodded a bit against his chest and slowly fell into a peaceful sleep with the boy I loved.

But he didn't know that yet, and I don't know if I wanted him to,




-Chapter 28 is finished!

-Sorry I haven't posted a chapter since October... school has been a real kick in the ass.

-It's finally x-mas break and I'm getting around to writing a few more chapters for this book and a few of my other ones. (If you like the band Why Don't We, I highly recommend you check out my page;))

-Happy New Year and I'll see you in the next chapters!

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