Trigger warning:

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Pitch black. Emptiness. That's all there was that's all there was to Peter. It was like waking up from a seizure. Everything that was, everything that is was a mystery. Until Peter heard a voice.
"Morning there, kid" Tony said in just above a whisper sliding over to a chair at the corner of the room.
Peter opened his eyes and starred at Tony. Blinking in acknowledgment. Not that he couldn't talk, but he wouldn't know what to say, where to start.
Tony rolled back over to his computer and grabbed a few things rolling back over to Peter.
"Do you mind?" Tony pointed to Peter's arm and Peter stuck it out for Tony.
"Ya know, I'm no doctor..but I guess we can't take you to a real one either." Tony looked up into Peter's eyes.
Peter started to sit up when Tony stood up and put his hands on Peter's shoulders pushin him back down.
"Woah woah woah there. You're not going anywhere. Especially now that I know I can't trust the security system to keep eyes on you" Tony sat back down as Peter laid back down and watched him.
"So who knows?" Tony asked
Peter blinked a few times, not understanding.
"About whatever" Tony motioned to Peter's whole body "this is"
Peter sat quiet and looked down at his body.
Tony sighed looking back at his computer.
"Ned" Peter looked to Tony.
"What- Ned? That friend of yours..chair guy" Tony raised his eyebrows
"Guy in the chair, actually" Peter talked movin his head since his arms were too damaged at the moment.
"Right. My mistake" Tony rolled his eyes and swerved his chair towards another desk. "So that spunky girl doesn't?"
    Peter sat there for a second. 'Spunky girl?' He thought to himself. Then it hit him immediately "MJ?! No!" Peter started to sit up again in shock
    Tony swerved back over pushing him down, "Stay down or so help me I'll strap you to the bed." Tony sat back down.
    "Relax we didn't tell her. But she was looking for you with Ned and she's on her way here" Tony raised his eyebrows.
    Peter's eyes widened not knowing what to say or do.
    "And she doesn't need too. Just because you're here doesn't make you an Avenger. Just means you were released into my care." As Tony said that the doors opened and Bruce and Dr.Cho walked in. "More accurately their care" Tony went back to his computer.
    Dr.Cho stuck out her hand, "Dr.Cho, great to meet you. Although I wish it could be under better circumstances."
    Peter stuck out his hand, "Peter Parker, nice to meet you"
"And I'm" Bruce started reaching out his hand excepting to introduce himself as 'The Hulk' till Peter cut him off
"Dr. Bruce Banner! Theoretical physicist, I loved your work in the studies of nuclear physics and gamma radiation, it's an honor" Peter stuck out his hand.
Bruce took it and shook his hand while side eyeing Tony. Tony just shrugged.
"Like I said, he's a nerd"
"Well if you boys are done. I'd like to start the test." Dr.Cho began getting out her equipment.
"Test?" Peter looked to the other side of him while he saw normal Doctor equipment but also a few things he never recognized.
Tony stood up, "Your body heals quickly," Tony started. "But whatever you put it through may have not only hurt it physically but subconsciously. Which is why you aren't fully healed yet."
Bruce took over, "Also given your super natural abilities and how you got them we don't know what your vitals are supposed to be and the experiences you've been through what mental state you are in"
"This sounds...experimental" Peter began looking back and forth between Dr.Cho and Dr.Bruce and stopped staring at Tony.
Tony put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "If anything started to go wrong I'd stop it immediately. And I'll be here the whole time"
Peter bit his lip, trying to get up only to fail the minute his first foot touched the ground collapsing as Tony slid over to Peter makin sure his head didn't hit the tile.
Tony let out a sigh and looked up at Bruce. "Well that went better then I expected"

Important author message:

So I just got out of a coma. Good fun. Best sleep I've ever gotten. (I'm fine now) But my updates may have a few mistakes in them. Mainly grammatically. And what names I address the characters by.
•For example: calling him "Steve" in one sentence and "Captain America" a few sentences apart.

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