Chapter 1

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Chan's Pov

Heartbreak. It is a peculiar word, a word that is used to describe when someone decides that they no longer want to be with you; they no longer see a future with you. They may not be wanting a relationship anymore, or they have found someone else... found their real other half. What makes the experience even more painful is when you learn that your ex has possibly moved on with someone else... their best friend, to be exact.

"No, Chan, Jisung is only my best friend. Don't be jealous of him, baby. I promise he has got nothing on you," you said with a wink causing me to instantly blush and hide my face with my hands wanting to burst from all of the butterflies that you caused. "I love you, Minho," I tell him confidently as I lean in to kiss him, to which he gladly reciprocates. "I love you too, Chan."

Only a best friend? I beg to differ. It's hard to accept the fact that your lover gave all their love and affection towards their best friend, yet when I wanted just an ounce of that same love, you claimed that you were overwhelmed, not being able to cope with that idea. Did you ever consider how I would feel? To hear that as your at the time boyfriend? No, you didn't because you didn't care... maybe you never cared. Were you only with me because I confessed to you that day? Did you feel pressured?

So many thoughts race through my brain as I am left sitting on the same couch in the same sitting room where we shared our last goodbye, where we both decided that enough was enough. Feeling the tears well up in my eyes from the memories of that night, I grab my hoodie as I walk out the door to the only place that I knew.

Walking through the neighbourhood, my mind was occupied with the memories from when we were together. As I pass the park close by to where I live, I remember vividly when we both had gotten ice cream, and you had accidentally dropped yours after seeing a stray cat appear from the bushes. The look of adoration and love on your face was beautiful, a look that I only hoped for for the sake of my sanity and broken heart that you gave to me when we were together.

"Channie! Look how cute they are, oh my gosh!" You squealed as you carefully motioned for the cat to come closer to you. The way your lips formed into a pout when the cat did the opposite of what you were hoping for and instead went back into the bush as you began to walk closer to get a better look. "Aw, it's okay, sweetheart, don't get upset! The poor kitty is just feeling shy," I comforted you as the pout only grew after noticing your fallen ice cream. "No kitty and no ice cream. This is no fun!" You sighed, causing me to giggle at your cute expressions. I handed you my ice cream explaining to you that I was full when in reality, I didn't have the heart to watch you pout much longer, feeling the need to make sure a smile was always painted onto your face. "Thank you, Channie! I love you!"

"I love you too, sweetheart."

I smile bitterly at the memory as I continue my walk back to the place where all of this had started. The library. It isn't a long walk from the park, maybe a ten-minute walk. However, for some reason, today, it felt as though I would never reach my desired destination. Entering the college grounds, I take in a deep breath before letting it out, watching as my breath could be seen in the cold frosty air that the winter season has provided.

Walking through the hallways has my heart clenching with misery as I recall all of our mischievous antics that we got up to before our classes. We were never an overly wild couple. If someone were to take one look at us, they would not suspect our suspicious ways that often happened during lunch period right before the bell for the last group of classes for the day.

"Minho, we cannot do this right now... class is about to start in 5 minutes!" I groan as our lips interlock with each other's, desperate to feel one another's touch after not being able to be with the other person due to the busy schedule of college. "5 minutes is plenty of time to make you mine, kitten." I whine at the tone of his voice, knowing that the man in front of me is most definitely smirking at the mess that I am slowly becoming because of him. "We need more time!" I say, yet pulling him closer, not ready to detach myself from him, feeling as though his beauty and words entranced me. "Oh, are you challenging me, sweetheart? You don't think I can unravel you anytime sooner?" You raise your eyebrow as I whimper, knowing damn well that you could, but for the scene that was taking place and teasing you a little, I reply with a short "bet," to which sealed the deal as you pulled me closer to you if that was possible. Let's just say that those last few classes never happened at the end of the day.
'Finally,' I think to myself as I reach the destination that had started the whole relationship. This destination made me realise how much of a hopeless romantic I am; the destination that I now know will cause me heartbreak like no other. Walking around the library slowly, struggling to keep my tears to myself, I begin to remember that day when we had first met. The day that I believed was the luckiest day of my life.

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