Chapter 1

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Teslan, one of the two kingdoms of this land that I call home.

     It is one of the two kingdoms of the land that is divided in two and for good reason with its modern yet vintage architecture like aura and the castle that you truly would find in fairytale stories, the villages are almost vintage looking with a marble like structured that looks very sophisticated, before I get into that I should probably tell you my name huh?

     Well, my name is Cindy Wilger and it is my duty to protect the kingdom by being our benevolent and wonderful queens soldiers, we don't have the choice to decide what we want to do in this life here, but honestly. I honestly don't mind because I love my position as a soldier.

     But for some of us around here, they are not too sure about what they are expected to do. For some you can even see it on their pitiful looking faces as you walk down the somewhat old looking streets for example I- "Cindy!" before I could turn to see who it was a body slammed into mine and it blurred my vision for a moment as I fall to the dirty marbled ground below my feet.

     I shake my head slightly as I try to regain focus on who bumped into me and to my slight surprise it was Wilbur "sorry about that" he reaches out a quick yet gently hand out for me to grab as his red curly hair and ocean blue eyes shine from the daylight "but they are at it again" my eyes narrow slightly in confusion as I grab his hand before asking hesitantly in confusion.

     "They? who are they-" I interrupt myself as I hear a couple of fast-paced footsteps coming down the street and once I see who it is, I narrow my eyes slightly in annoyance 'oh, these guys' I get up as Wilbur pulls me back up to my feet as the two get closer to us but they seem like they are keeping all the focus on him.

     They both pant slightly as they try to catch their breath's but have a smug smile on their faces as they both try to keep up their cool act, the one with the dark brown hair and a sharp jawline is the first to speak "Aww is bur-bur going to hide behind his pretty princess of his?" the blonde snickered along after his question, I take a step forward as my shoulders tense slightly in a protective defense as I narrow my eyes at the two "are we seriously going to do this today gentlemen?"

     They then both looked at me sternly as if I had just arrived there with no idea about what was going on "oh shut up, you always have something to say since you are so high up huh?" the brunette asked as he and the blonde got close to my face mockingly.

     "Yeah, I bet she gets all she wants up at the castle thanks to that position" the blonde says in a jeering tone, however, I keep my cool as usual knowing that it would be a waste to deal with these two getting more riled up with it being as lovely of a day as it is out here.

     "Well that is none of your concern now is it?" I take a quick step forward to them with an aloof yet stern expression as I watch them back up slightly in slight fear and surprise "what matters is that you are hurting my friend and I swear if I see you even attempt to hurt him again" I lean forward between them as I place a firm hand on their blue satin clothed shoulders and whisper in their ears coldly "I will tell the authorities about what you have been doing, and I'm sure you don't want that now do you?"

     All four of us were silent for a couple moments before I felt them nod and as soon as I did I took a few steps back to Wilbur with a calm smile on my face "now if you will excuse us" I gently yet quickly grabbed Wilbur's wrist and walk away from the two men as I feel him struggle to keep up slightly at first in a nervous matter. "Crazy bitch..." I heard one of them mumble before we take our final steps out of the streets and out into the field outside the marble fence.

     Once we get into the field we see a beautiful grass field with a small waterfall to the south that flows down to the North and has a tiny hill that starts off at the other side of the river and about five miles away from the village; you can kind of see a huge steep hill that separates our kingdom from that dangerous kingdom.

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     I always can't help but look in awe and wander around a little bit when I am here, especially when the butterflies and birds are chirping, it just gives the place so much magic that it almost seems like you are in another place, especially when the flowers shine at you. But when I look over at Wilbur, I can see that from the gloomy look in his eyes even though they are glancing at the ground, that there is definitely something wrong.

     I walk back over to him and place a hand on his shoulder and gave him the most sincere look I can muster on my face since I know that is what he possibly needs right now "hey, are you ok?" he hesitates "it's not fair..." I tilt my head not clearly hearing what he said "it's not fair" he clenches one of his fists slightly as an upset yet confused look is brought upon his face; "I was born this way but...I'm, I'm not good at what I was assigned to be".

     There was a pause for a couple of moments, and during that time, I didn't know how to respond even though I wanted to so badly "I'm just no good...I'm a soldier but, is that who I really am supposed to be...?" I sigh as a somewhat relaxed smile comes upon my face as I know what to say, almost as if a duct tape was finally ripped off my mouth "Well, we are not always good at what we do but we have to live out our lives for as long as we can despite that"

     I lean my forehead against his as a mother would for her child as I look into the sky blue eyes of Wilbur's "but we have our sworn duty from birth to defend our queen. Just like how merchers have their jobs to sell goods to the people, how farmers grow the crops, how the medics help the sick and helpless, also just like how the entertainers, well entertain us" I ended off with a chuckle but sadly he still looked unconvinced.

     I said to him reassuringly "everything will work out Wilbur. I promise you this as my best friend, and if you want I can spar with you some more so you can improve some more"

     As soon as I said that, I could see his eyes shine with hope as if the sun turn on a spotlight to him from the heavens "you promise?" I grip his shoulders reassuringly "I promise" I then hug him as I feel his scrawny yet toned arms returned the hug and I can tell you, it was one of the things I appreciated about him, he always gave warm hugs that you would get from a giant teddy bear.

     Once I got out of the hug I gave a warm smile and placed my hands on my hips confidently like I didn't have anything in the world, not even that stupid kingdom on the other side to worry about "let's go back to the castle, who knows what is going on there now" he looked at me with a little bit of a nervous smile and nodded before we walked back into the village streets and towards the tower.

     When we arrived, or at least almost arrived we were standing outside the front door of the castle, it was a dark brown door with the letter 'T' in the middle made of glass that you can see through the lobby from, it had gold trims on the edges with a metal pole that goes between the trims and the door as it goes all around it.

     It truly is a magnificent sight as there was a small bridge that passed over a small river that was between some stone walls that has two big arched places that were from the front and the back that led to one of the only two paths separated from the outside to the castle it's self.

     There are security triggers by the front of the wall, the front door as well as the back door for just in case there are any intruders or anyone from other than the royal family, a royal guard or even a guest would want to get in. I was about to walk in with Wilbur when I heard firm footprints that sounded like it was nearby, I stopped Wilbur in his tracks by holding an arm out to his chest.

     Once I see that it was a fellow soldier I nudged him in the side and saluted in his direction as Wilbur followed suit.  The soldier marched up to us and stood in front of the pathway into the castle as he stood firmly in place as he stands wears the usual male uniform with a blue and black suit with a blue cape with pink tips that dripped around the knees and with his hands by his sides as I notice he doesn't wear the black slightly darker blue and black gloves a normal soldier wears 'hmm, must be in training' and his legs were close together.

     The younger shaggy black haired soldier had a courtly expression on his face "the queen has requested your arrival Wilger" my eyes widen slightly at the request and surprising nature of this kid 'damn, this kid has learned fast'

     I snap myself out of it as I feel my short blonde hair move around slightly while I shake my head slightly "yes, I will be there in one moment" the soldier nods as he then walks into the walls and up through the castle doors.

     I look over at Wilber to see he is avoiding eye contact as he looks at me as well almost as if he isn't really sure what to say "well good luck in there..." he says softly spoken tone.

     "Yeah, thanks Will, I'll see you later" I give him a small wave with a smile before I hurriedly walk into through the fancy doors and walk into the lobby, it was a modern looking gigantic room with gold almost everywhere; from the painted walls to the little specks in the marble plated floors and even some of the furniture.

     There were two sets of stairs that were leading up to the second floor that curved in a circular motion till it met the first floor in the middle when there are three arch doors that are placed in the middle through the stairs, to the left and to the right of the room as well and as to go upstairs, there was an open archway that you can just walk right through (if you're allowed to of course)

     Other than that it was basically home free to walk around on the first floor for the people who are the royal soldiers. "Soldier" a woman's voice solidly said from above the stairs, I stand firmly as a statue just like the younger soldier outside did when he confronted us as I wait to hear the superior officers orders

     "Come this way, the queen has been waiting for your arrival" her voice sounded a little warm while she finished as she keeps a solemn expression on her face that is hard to read.

     I nod "Yes ma'am"

     I walk up the fancy stairs and once I reach the top, the commander walks side by side with me through the long hallway to the queen's headquarters, the floor had a red carpet with pictures of people of the royal blood from years before on the walls and a few gorgeous chandeliers hanging on the ceiling.

     Once we stop at the queen's door I let out a quiet sigh through my nose to calm myself down as I keep the same serious expression on my face, it seems like my superior let me have my moment because she waited with a pause before she said "your highness, Wilger has arrived may we enter?" "You may" the door

     The doors are opened by some more higher ranked officers as they hold the door open and the room looks so capacious and fancy, it's almost as if you have walked into the actual queen's room yourself. 'Well, technically I have' I smile slightly as I glance my eyes around the room. My eyes finally land on the queen as she sits on her throne-like office chair elegantly as always near the oval meeting table.

     Her hazel eyes never took off of mine as she had a serious yet regal look into them "please, come sit down soldier" I nodded as I walk over to the table as my ears pick up the sounds of the higher class soldiers going out of the room and the taping of my feet hitting the ground as I walked.

     "So what did you need to discuss with me?" I ask quizzically as I sit myself comfortably in the chair in front of the queen as I feel the air enclose around me like it was being sucked out of the room by a giant vacuum cleaner and I knew that this was a serious matter.

     There was an eerie pause for a good few seconds during that time of silence and then she spoke, with a tone that would give you chills that a child would feel if their mother found out about what they were lying about "Wilger you are aware of how horrible the other kingdom is correct?" I keep silent as a way of saying yes. Understanding this she keeps going.

     "Well I am afraid to give you this burdening information but...we are about to be heading for war".

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