Chapter 10: Early morning shopping spree

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A/N: Okay this one is going to be long! (I hope) but let me know what you like! I'm always open to suggestions. Please Enjoy and take care of yourself <3

Earserhead POV:

   I finished my patrol around 4:15 but only got home at 5:10. After the handy-man run in. I started my patrol a bit differently. And ended up chasing some guy for 3 miles on foot.

Fighting villains gets old way too quickly.

   I grab my keys from my pocket and unlock the house. The warm air feels nice of my somewhat achy hands. It's not cold enough for me to put on gloves yet. Ugh.

   I close the door and only make out a pair of emerald eyes due to the dim light from all the windows.

"I-Izuku? Why are you awake?" I keep my voice low.

"Oh I-I couldn't really sleep and I came downstairs to see what time it was then Espresso kept rubbing against me and then she sat on my lap so I-I got stuck here and was just gonna wait for you to get back in case you needed help or wanted company or anything..."He gives me a stiff and clearly fake little laugh.

"Izu, did you have a nightmare?" I lower myself to the floor with him.

"Yeah... I-It's that obvious?" He turns to me, still keeping his hand on Espresso's head.

I let out a sigh. "Kid, I understand you not wanting to go back to sleep but it might be best for you if you at least lay in bed and maybe get a little rest." I run my hand through his green curly hair.

"I-I'm sorry." He whimpers.

"Hey hey hey, it's alright! Nightmares aren't your fault. I'm just glad I didn't find you exercising in a dark street again." I laugh a bit, trying to lighten the mood.

"Right then Izu, how about this, if you take it easy today and don't push yourself too much, then I'll let you come with me on my patrol."

"I-I you'll seriously take me on a patrol?! But I'm not a hero." He waves his hands infront of him. "I doubt I could fight and help, I'd just be dead weight."

"Kid, you aren't dead weight but you're right you can't fight. You don't have a license, however if you help me or end up needing to fight it'll be in my name. Think of this like you become my apprentice." I give him a smile and I'm met back with big bright eyes.

"You mean it?" He hangs onto every word that could come out of me.

"Yeah, but you need to take it easy on yourself okay? That means if you do end up working out it's no more than a walk."

"O-Okay! I promise I'll do my best." He still whispers but let's put the first natural smile I think I've seen from him.

"Good morning early birds! Not sure why either of you are up before six but I've decided it's time for breakfast!" Hizashi yells coming down the stairs.

"I- I'm sorry did I wake you? I didn't mean to-" Izuku starts to stutter and worry.

"Nah, my waking is thanks to the alarm I've got kid!" Hizashi stretch's his arms and walks towards us.

"It's already 6:00?!" I question. There is no way it's already six.

"Yep it is! And I'm going to order breakfast to show Izuku that breakfast place we love so much!" He giggles.

   Izuku and I get up from our spots on the floor and he helps me open some curtains just to prove it is already 6:00. I didn't think we sat on the floor that long so my watch must be off or something. I probably got home around 5:45 or something. Or maybe I really am just getting too old for this stuff.

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