New 'Friends'

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Team RWBY had just gotten back from looking for their fifth member since he had been gone all day.

None of them had his scroll number, and he never said where he was going, so it was essentially a wild goose chase.

Ruby: "Do you think he left for good?"

Weiss huffed.

Weiss: "Good riddance if you ask me."

Yang shot Weiss a look.

Yang: "What do you have against him anyway? All he's done so far is be, somehow frostier than you."

Weiss huffed at Yang's snide remark.

Ruby opened their dorm room door to see you sitting on the floor with a small pile of books on your left, and a massive pile of books on your right.

The group also couldn't help but notice the several bottles of beer neatly stacked off to the side.

You put the book you were reading into the right pile and grabbed another from your left before seemingly skimming through the entire book.

(Y/N): "Eh, bit slow in the middle but overall well written."

The starry-eyed look on Blake's face wasn't hard to notice.

Blake: "He's perfect."

You looked up from the next book that you were already almost finished with.

(Y/N): "You're back..."

You looked back down and finished the last few pages in less than two seconds.

(Y/N): "Woopdidoo."

You said twirling your finger in the air.

Weiss: "Hmph! We've been looking for you all day!"

You smirked.

(Y/N): "Well you didn't look hard enough. Cause you didn't check your dorm."

Yang walked over to one of the beer bottles and picked it up, taking a quick whiff.

She shook her head as her eyes teared up.

Yang: "What kind of beer is this?"

She said pinching her nose shut.

(Y/N): "Relax, I just added a splash of vodka to it."

Blake: "Should you really be drinking? How old are you anyway?"

You took one last swig from your last bottle before getting up.

(Y/N): "16, but it's okay I know a guy."

You made sure you had your balance before beginning to walk towards the door.

Weiss: "Where are you going now?"

You looked at Weiss with your brow raised.

(Y/N): "I'd tell you, but that would defeat the purpose of me trying to avoid you."

You said as you continued on your way.

You were about to reach for the doorknob when you felt someone grab your hand.

You turned to see it was Ruby.

Ruby: "You're not going anywhere brand new bestie! We've gotta introduce you to our neighbors!"

You gave her an icy glare.

(Y/N): "I would rather die."

You said before heating up your hand just enough to make her let go.

Unending Torment (Male Pyromancer Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now