It's happened again.
I stepped out of line.
When will I ever learn?How many times?
How many more?
Before I cross the final line?I know the looks.
I see their pity.
How many times will this play out?If I only listened,
Surely we'd be fine.
I wouldn't need reminders from time to time.I close the bathroom door,
Cold tile against my back.
I dare a glance in the mirror.The person looking back is broken.
Not me. I stare defiant.
The bruising raw and fresh.I can't go on like this.
I punch the glass in front of me
That girl is not me!Glass shatters.
My knuckles burn.
Blood smears and drips on bits of glass.The girl in the mirror is broken
Nothing more than a shard covered in blood.
No one would miss her - would miss me.My heart beats faster as I see my salvation.
A lump appears at my throat.
I reach out and pull a shard loose.My ears roar as I grip the shard.
Blood drips faster from my hand.
I lift both hands up, shaking.One deep breath and I swallow.
I push the shard into my wrist.
I scream in pain, but don't let go.My sight blurs.
Lights dim as the girl in the mirror fades.
No one can hurt me again.

Words From My Soul
PoesiaAn ongoing work of poems I will add to as I'm inspired to do so. Many are from prompts I came across.