Chapter 9: Fateful Reminder

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Hera's POV

Lately, my nights have been filled with strange dreams. There's this mysterious figure holding me close, his gaze fixed on me with a tenderness that feels both familiar and unsettling. What strikes me the most is the intensity of his eyes, pools of darkness that seem to draw me in. 

It's unnerving how vividly I remember them, even though his face remains a blur in my mind. Those deep black eyes leave a lasting impression, stirring something within me that I can't quite explain.

But amidst these haunting dreams, I can't help but feel a slight pang of guilt. After all, it's been ages since anyone other than Zeus has elicited such a visceral reaction from me. 

It's absurd, really. Who am I kidding? I'm single – a fact that becomes painfully clear every time I wake up from these dreams.

Ah, it's already December 19, I'm reminded of the looming event scheduled for tomorrow. The mere thought of it fills me with a sense of dread. 

Hera, you have to face the present; don't dwell on the past. 

I repeat to myself like a mantra. But deep down, I know I'm not ready to confront the events of the past year just yet.

The speed at which Zeus replaced me as his queen still stings. The humiliation of being ousted and swiftly replaced gnaws at my pride. I dread the whispers and judgmental glances from the citizens of Olympus, especially considering my title as the goddess of families. 

To be the subject of gossip as the divorced deity, replaced by Leto, is a humiliation I'm not sure I can bear.

But amidst the personal turmoil, there are professional matters to attend to. I have a meeting with PrimeAze Builders to prepare for, marking a promising collaboration between our companies, PrimeAze and Golden Aura. 

It's an opportunity to showcase the synergy of our designs and teamwork, and I find solace in the prospect of focusing on something other than my tumultuous personal life.

Arthur, my business partner, is a beacon of stability in these uncertain times. Handsome, intelligent, and exuding an air of authority, he's someone I can rely on – both professionally and, if I'm honest, perhaps emotionally too. 

There's a magnetism to him, a regal presence that belies his status as a mere mortal. Working alongside him feels like stepping into a realm of possibilities, and I can't help but look forward to our upcoming project with a sense of anticipation and optimism.

Jane's POV (Hera's secretary)

So, Ms. Hawthorne has been acting a bit off lately... even a blind man could see it, really. She's been spending an eternity on her paperwork, and trust me, that's not her style. Like, never in a million years would she dilly-dally like this. 

Must be that email she got last week – wonder what juicy gossip it contained. Maybe it was from Mr. Alvarez? 

Ugh, I totally ship them, you know?

I saw the light flashing on the intercom, which means Ms. Hawthorne wants to see me. 


Time to face the boss lady. Her office is, like, this massive, gorgeous space that screams "I'm in charge." And let me tell you, I am totally in awe of her. She's, like, my idol – this beacon of power and inspiration. 

She doesn't even realize how much she means to me, you know? Like a mom figure, always there to boost my confidence and make me feel like I can take on the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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