Hey guys!
I read ur comments and it seems like a lot of you ship Julico. Well, I've given up on that ship a long time ago. But I wanted Julie to tell Nico her thoughts about him before she decides to move on. But if u guys liked it so much, u can choose who Nico ends up with! Percy, Will, or Julie? (I personally choose Will) I may or may not listen and change a few ships depending who emerges more entertaining. But until then, WILLICO!!!!!!
Well, let's continue!
In the Forest
Will's POVIt was nice walking around with Nico in the forest, but he seemed a bit distant, well more than usual.
"Hey, are you alright?" I asked, worried he might be sick. He nodded and kept walking, but more quickly. I jogged to keep up. "You seem......a little out of it. I was hoping you'd be more excited for our first date!" I smirked.
He shrugged and replied, "Have you ever thought you made a big mistake in your life?"
I laughed. "Well duh. I have my fair share of mistakes, like that time I was blindfolded and accidentally shot a flaming arrow into Chiron's butt."
Nico shook his head. "No, like a mistake like you might have chosen the wrong person to fall in love with but you don't know because you're so happy."
I wiggled my eyebrows. "So your in love with me, eh?" He blushed and punched me lightly.
"Nooo, I'm serious! I-I'm afraid I chose you instead of......"
I stopped walking and grabbed his hand. "Hey, I understand that you might be having second thoughts. I'm not even sure I'm gay or bi but I know I care a whole lot about you. And I'm hoping you care enough about me so we can enjoy our first date. After that, if you don't like me that's fine. But until then, can we enjoy ourselves?" I looked at his dark sad eyes with my crystal blue ones and he nodded. I smiled.
We continued walking, this time holding hands. I heard a few bushes to my right rustling, but I ignored the fact that monsters or fangirls could be lurking there. We stopped underneath a cherry tree in mid-bloom.
I opened Nico's picnic basket that I was carrying. "Here Ghost King, catch!" I threw him a peanut butter sandwich and a lemonade. I settled for ham and cheese and sprite.
We talked a bit as we ate. Mostly about which would win in a MLP fight, a unicorn or a pegasus and about Mythomagic when we heard a rustle and a snicker. I drew my sword and Nico drew his as we slowly walked up to the bushes behind us. Then we kicked the crabapples out of the people stalking us. We only stopped when we noticed who they were.
"Oh gods, it's you?!" Nico shrieked. Aphrodite, Travis, Connor, Jason, Frank, Leo, Percy, Annabeth, Piper, and Hazel were in the bushes, now covered in scratches and bruises from us kicking them. "What the Hades are you guys doing here?! Get out!"
Percy pouted. "That's a bit rude! We were just here to take a few photos, maybe stalk you or create some situation where Will has to save you but since you are being so mean, I guess we're going to stay here beside you guys forever."
"-And we're going to photoshop you guys kissing and write fanfics about your children and just stare at your undying love for one another-" Aphrodite added before fainting out of happiness. Piper stood up and grabbed her arms.
"Well I gotta drag her to our cabin. Don't make out until I come back, kay?" Piper hoisted her mom onto her back and started running for her cabin.
I groaned. "Can't you guys just leave? We're in a middle of something here!"
Travis smirked. "Oh right, 'cuz talking about My Little Pony is soooooo interesting."
Frank shrugged. "To be fair it is a good show-"
"Shut up Zhang!" he screamed as Frank curled into a ball of gloom with Hazel patting his back.
Nico rolled his eyes. "Look guys, we want to be alone so can you leave?!"
Leo smirked. "You guys wanna be alone? For what? You guys gonna make out?! :3"
Jason squealed. "Oooh please let me make that my screen saver!!!!"
Nico's left eye started twitching. "You know what?! Will, let's ditch this." He grabbed my hand and stormed out of the forest. We stopped outside of the Apollo's cabin. He scratched his head and blushed. "Sorry we didn't get to finish our picnic."
I shrugged. "Yeah it's okay, I just hope they return the basket."
Nico hesitated before asking, "Did it suck?"
"The date." He cringed expecting me to say yes.
"Nah, it was nice. Especially the part where I got to kiss you. That was the best part."
He frowned and raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember you kissing me." I smiled and leaned down. I cupped his cheeks with both hands and gently lowered my lips to touch his. He blushed immediately, but smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist.
When we let go, our hands were intertwined and we were both bright pink. Somewhere behind us was a loud squeal and someone screaming, "YES!!!! I GOT IT ON CAMARA!!!!!" But we didn't care. We took one last look at each other before we let go of our hands and I walked into the cabin.
Best day ever.
Sweet wasn't that? Go Willico. Anyway, I UPDATED!!!! YIPEE! Betcha ya u didn't see that coming!
So now that I can cross doing a Willico date chapter off my list, what's next? You decide!!!! Tell me in the comments what to do! Ask me questions and I almost sorta guarantee that I will maybe answer them, if they aren't inapro -pro.
Well bye for now!

When Demigods Have Facebook
FanfictionThe awesome characters of Percy Jackson and the Olympians and the Heroes of Olympus got Facebook! All rights belong to Rick Riordan.