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     Tim was on his way to pick Dick up from the mansion when it all broke out. It had been five days since he dropped the kid off with Alfred. He'd be lying if he said he didn't miss the kid but he had been busy working. Alfred had agreed to watch Dick while Tim was working to make things a little easier on him.

     "What the?" Tim's eyes widened as a thick green mist covered the road ahead. He slowed the car to a stop, rolling his windows up "Where did that come from?"

     "Ugh when is Hood going to come and take his little cuddle monster away" Jason groaned. Dick was currently wrapped around his leg and showed no signs of letting go anytime soon.

     "Master Tim called and said he was on his way, he'll be here shortly," Alfred said dusting off the shelf.

Back in downtown Gotham
     Tim drove around the corner trying to avoid the Mist but to his horror, it had seemed to spread covering the streets.

     "Heck," Tim said as he kept driving. He reached over for his gasmask but it was too late the Mist had already seeped into the car. Within seconds it the cabin of the car was filled by the unknown gas. Green clouded his vision as he felt his whole body paralyzed. Fear spread through him.

At the Mansion
     "Jaybird why don't you go grab the crayon box," Damian asked pulling Dick off of Jason's leg. Jason was about to object but thought better of it.

     "Okay," He nodded before running upstairs.

     "I want Timmy" Dick frowned as his eyes started to water. Damian could feel sweat dripping down the back of his neck. The last thing he wanted was a crying kid on his hands. Especially not Dick, when he started to cry everyone else would cry.

     "Don't worry he'll be here soon" Damian said trying his best to give him a friendly smile that came out more scary.

     "I want him now!" the Kid pouted crossing his arms. Jason walked back down with crayons and paper.

     "I'll tell you what" Damian sat the Kid down in front of the coffee table "Let's make Tim a picture" he suggested grabbing the paper and crayons. Dick nodded with a smile.

     Tim couldn't move an inch. He couldn't lift his foot off the pedal, he couldn't grab his gas mask. All he could do was sit still and watch the green mist that now seemed like a harsh wind hitting hard against his face

At the Mansion
      "I drew everyone as animals" Dick smiled holding up the drawing.

     "Cool," Damian said bending down "So who is who?"

      "Alfred is the owl because he is old and wise," Dick said pointing at an owl "Timmy is a Roe deer because he never sleeps" Dick had spent most of the week watching animal planet.

     'I need to do something about that or he's going to end up passed out in an alley' Damian thought to himself.

     "You're a Pitbull, you look scary but your really nice," Dick said smiling up at him. "And Jason's a fox because he's sneaky"

     "You're not going to add Roy and Rose?" Damian asked curiously. Dick's eyes widened.

     "I can't believe I forgot" he looked at the drawing "I should add Bruce too, I'll make him a Bat" the Kid smiled. Damian felt the entire room get tense as everyone stared at the small child.

     Tim could feel his body jerk forward as the car slammed into a wall. The last thing he saw was an image of people sitting around a table before his head slammed against the steering wheel knocking him out.

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