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Louisa's p.o.v

My eyes widen as I see this, so I clench my hands tight before the wolf-man got to Leo "corrupting him like the plague." Leo looked like he was staring at the man in fear, like he was trying to fight being brainwashed for a second. Though his eyes change too causing me to just start skating off in search for this rabbit-guy. 'All I know is that he is the good guy that the guys end up meeting... I'm missing something though. Something important' I think as I continue on skating to try and find where this guy is.

Eventually I find a forest, so I continue skating in search for that rabbit guy... that's when I hear talking and see a bit of light in the distance. I smile as I stop using my powers and walk over to the light having my hands up to show I mean no harm. The rabbit looks at me with a bit of a glare "who are you?.. and how did you find us??" He asks in a serious tone. Sighing softly I say "I am in need of help, I think my friends were hypnotized by an evil man. They are in search of you as we speak" the kid glares at me saying "why should we trust you?! You look like you wouldn't know anything."

I softly glare at him when I recognize him and softly gasp "you... I-.." "do not mind him, what did this man look like?" The rabbit asks me. Hard swallowing I say "he looked old, he was a wolf-man and he looked as if he was blind." His eyes widened, but he says "come with me for a second, I need a drink of water." I nod and we walk not that far away and to a small little body of water and he pulls out a wood cup. "Like I have informed you, he is just a child, we must remain patient... he is special and was raised as such because of it."

His words got me to nod softly, but I heard something move in the water which got my dog ears to perk up and we look at the water. Emerging from the water is the guys, so my eyes widen as we look at them 'dang, they can really track people well.' "What is this?" The rabbit asks a bit shocked, so I take a small step back "they're my friends. I think they're still under the man's control..." I hard swallow 'I don't think I can fight them. Well, I can- I just don't think I can bring myself to do it after everything we've been through.'

The guys run our way, so I grab my kunai and we both clash weapons to make sure they don't hit us 'they must know I'm not being controlled either.' With that I take a few steps back to be by the rabbit as we keep our eyes on the guys. "We must hide!.. they're kappa!" The little boy says scared, so I look at him and feel sympathy towards him. 'He's only a kid...' I think to myself as I sheath my kunai and watch as he hides behind a rock. The rabbit only responds with "but like no kappa I have ever seen" "that's a long story..." I mumble out.

Though I see the guys still just looking at us, so I go over by the boy and pick him up "what are you doing?!- put me down-" "I'm protecting you. Trust me" I say while holding him to look me in the eye, so he blinks a few times before nodding softly. I set him on my back as I stay out of the guys' view and grab my kunai again in case they get any ideas. The kid is hanging onto me tight as I do this, but I watch as one of the guys threw ninja stars at the rabbit. He easily deflected them before Raph got to him and he easily fought him- then Donnie came into the fight.

The rabbit still fought them with ease before kicking Donnie this way- but Donnie looked like he was down for the count. He hit his shell against the tree hard- along with his head and dropped his staff as he laid there. I took a few steps back as the kid's grip got tighter, so I pat his hands to try and reassure him a bit. Though I look back over to the rabbit to see him easily fighting Mikey- hitting him in the head a few times. Mikey stumbled back before the rabbit dodged some of Raph's moves, then he had his back against his plastron.

Easily he elbowed Raph's plastron and threw him over his shoulder and into Mikey which got them both to fall into the water. Now came the hard part, the rabbit is now having to try and fight Leo- they clashed weapons before having a bit of distance between them. They are both looking at eachother before the rabbit raised his blade while talking to Leo. "You are not unskilled, boy! A willow branch is thirsty" were his words- which confused me. 'He must be a really skilled fighter, the only one who talked like that that I knew of was Yoshi.'

They run towards the other as their weapons are still clashing a bit "I will quench its thirst with your blood" the rabbit adds on again. They were still fighting, but I notice the weapon that the kid has on his back, so I hum in thought. "Hey, can I use that?" I ask while pointing at the axe, so he glares at me "the only one to touch my mighty axe is me." I deadpan at him saying "fine, then stay here" I set him back down and run over to the two. Jumping up off a rock I went to hit Leo upside the head, but he easily dodged and I almost stumbled into the rabbit.


Okay that's it, but not forever~ Now I hope I can come out of my shell to write you another chapter soon!


2012 TMNT Yojimbo (including a new character)Where stories live. Discover now