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"Ohhhhh Trissssssss!" That's one happy Four." Ohhhhh whatttttttttttt?" I ask back in the same voice he used. He ands me a box with holes in it." Mew mew mew" I look at Four then back at the box." I'm I crazy or did that box just meow?" Four winks and tells me to open it. I pull off the lid. There is a cute little helpless kitten laying on a small blanket." Awwwwwwwwww Four! It's do cuteeeeeee" I start to cry tears of joy. This is the cutest kitten ever! Then there's a knock at the door." Who's there?" Then a thing called a Cristina walks in crying. I run up to her to comfort her, but the kitten catches her eyes." AWWWWW WHATS ITS NAME!!??!?" She almost stops crying. "Ummm Lilian" Four buts in. Cris turns to me and starts crying again." What's wrong Cris. You are not wearing some amazing outfit and make up. Bad sign. You are a crying wreck. Bad sign."
She stops sobbing for a brief second, just enough time to say," Will..... Broke....... Up..... With...... Me" she is sobbing and it's hard to understand." Will broke up with you?" She nods her head and continues to sob. Four looks angry and yells." What did that pansycake do to my friend because I swear I will ki-" I push he onto the floor so he will shut up."not helping..." Cris looks at me and smiles, fake smiles." It's fine. I'm fine. Ok. No. NOT FINE." More uncontrollable crying." He's a pansycake. Apparently I'm to.... DAUNTLESS.... for him."I hug he again."U don't need him." She nods but the same knock as Cristina's came again. I walk to the door and see...

Candor or Dauntless; This Is Where It StartsWhere stories live. Discover now